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The waves tumbled it onward, until it grazed against the shore, within a short distance of the spot where Hercules was standing. As soon as this happened, he knew what was to be done; for he had not gone through so many remarkable adventures without learning pretty well how to conduct himself, whenever anything came to pass a little out of the common rule.

Calves bearing the "H L" brandthat claimed by a company known to be made up of cattle-thievesfollowed mothers bearing almost every brand that grazed herds in that part of the State. The Wetmore outfit, that used a "W" enclosed in a square, were apparently the heaviest losers.

Silver sat down on a log and took out the cigarette-case, which was his habitual comforter. The old mare grazed beside him in the dusk, and he began to laugh as he looked at her. Her laziness tickled and appealed to him. There was something great about it.

Yet it is in February, when other shooting is at an end and the coverts no longer echo the fusillade of the past four months, that the farmers, furious at the sight of green root-crops grazed as close as by sheep and of young clover dug up over every acre of their tilling, welcome the co-operation of sportsmen glad to use up the balance of their cartridges in organised pigeon battues.

In his weakened condition tears started to his eyes. But he soon dashed them away, and, rising, set about dressing his wound. He removed his jacket and shirt, and bathed the wound with ocean water, as he knew that salt was good to allay possible inflammation. The bullet had grazed his side just under the shoulder, making a painful though not a dangerous injury.

The arrow shaft hummed so, as it quivered, that the captain killed it as he would a wasp; he jumped for a shot at the old warrior missed him another arrow, from the left, grazed his pistol-arm crazy-bone and his pistol fell into the road.

They were most of them wholly unlettered; knew not their A B C; had only learned the law of the seasons, and the earth, and the trees which grew, and the beasts which grazed; but they had imagination; they had the blood of ancient races; they were neither dolts not boors, though Adone in his wrath called them so. They were fascinated by the call to rise and save their river.

Just beyond it on the left a stream of automobiles grazed by but none so new and shiny, so altogether elegantly "sassy" as the Bear Cat. Mary V, when she stepped in and settled herself behind the steering wheel, matched the car, completed its elegant "sassiness," its general air of getting where it wanted to go, let the traffic be what it might and devil-take-the-fenders.

"What means all this, sirrah?" he cried out, but then I sank away before him, for the pain was greater than I could bear. When I came to myself my waistcoat was off, and both men looking at my shoulder, which the horse's hoof must have barely grazed, though no more, or I should have been in a worse plight.