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"Hardly a quarter of an hour after we entered the interior court an accident occurred which, though not serious in itself, threw consternation into our ranks, as well as among those who were pressing against the grating of the Carrousel.

"Hist!" said Ellinor abruptly, "did you not hear a low, grating noise below? Ah! the winds now prevent your catching the sound; but hush, hush! now the wind pauses, there it is again!" "Yes, I hear it," said Madeline, turning pale, "it seems in the little parlour; a continued, harsh, but very low, noise. Good heavens! it seems at the window below."

I came at last to the important point, and told her I was going to ask a favour of her, on which my peace of mind depended, but which she must grant blindly without asking any questions. "Tell me what I am to do, sweetheart," said she, "and be sure I will refuse nothing which may be in my power." "I shall be here this evening an hour after sunset, and ask for you at this grating; come.

We were all horror-struck, for we expected his re-appearance, and had no means of securing ourselves below, every grating and sky-light having been washed overboard in the hurricane. The old gentleman was more alarmed than the rest. He sent for me, and said "I did look forward to once more seeing my relations in France, but that hope is now abandoned.

He turned away, followed by a glance of anger from the count and a grating chuckle from old Sapt. A few moments later Bernenstein returned. His errand was done, and horses for himself and Rischenheim were at the gate of the castle.

At last, with my pillows so arranged that I could see out comfortably, and with the unhygienic-looking blanket turned back I have always a distrust of those much-used affairs I prepared to wait gradually for sleep. But sleep did not visit me. The train came to frequent, grating stops, and I surmised the hot box again.

There was barely room to make that turn; the tailboard of the wagon, grating, left a long blemish on the bright body of the car, but as the load rolled on down the incline, Banks churned gayly up around the bend. In less than an hour Hesperides Vale stretched behind him, and the bold front of Cerberus lifted holding the gap.

The manner of roasting these anthropomorphous animals contributes to render their appearance extremely disagreeable in the eyes of civilized man. A little grating or lattice of very hard wood is formed, and raised one foot from the ground.

There was something jarring and grating in that gentleman's voice and modes, from which the chords of the young heart shrank. He was not tender, though perhaps he wished to be; scarcely kind: but he was good-natured, at least to children. However, this connection was, on the whole, an agreeable one for Coningsby. He seemed suddenly to have friends: he never passed his holydays again at school. Mr.

But beyond all this for me were the arrangements for my first confession, which, coming a little late, I made with ten or twelve other girls of my sodality, feeling so faint when I took my turn and knelt by the grating, and heard the whispering voice within, like something from the unseen, something supernatural, something divine, that I forgot all I had come to say and the priest had to prompt me.