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Formerly the custom was to clap hands when exchanging greetings. The blacks saw the Anglo-Saxons grasp hands when they met and being apt imitators in many things, they started to do likewise. One of the first things that impressed me in Africa was the extraordinary amount of handshaking that went on when the people met each other even after a separation of only half an hour.

Fink-Nottle, Jeeves?" "No, sir." "I'm going to murder him." "Very good, sir." Tuppy withdrew, banging the door behind him, and I put Jeeves abreast. "Jeeves," I said, "do you know what? Mr. Fink-Nottle is engaged to my Cousin Angela." "Indeed, sir?" "Well, how about it? Do you grasp the psychology? Does it make sense? Only a few hours ago he was engaged to Miss Bassett."

With her hands trembling so that they almost refused their office, she turned the key, felt a strong grasp on the handle, the door was thrust open softly, closed, and locked, as she stood trembling there, and a pair of arms were clasped around her neck. "Mother, dearest mother!" "Scar, dear Scar, me too," whispered Lil, for Lady Markham was speechless with emotion.

There, distinguishable in the pale moonlight, dangled the rope, and as we watched it descended lower and lower, very steadily, until the end of it was not higher than a man could grasp. It was the signal agreed upon to show that the enemy were asleep. Calling softly to one of his men, José said, "Stay here and watch. If we are betrayed, take this man back to Colonel Miller.

Old Thwaite on receiving this intimation of the difference of their positions, though he had acknowledged its truth, had felt himself bitterly aggrieved, and now the moment had come. Of course the Countess would grasp at such an offer. Of course it would give her all that she had desired, and much more than she expected.

I should not be faithful to my office unless I try to make you fully grasp the danger I believe to lurk in education that is robbed of its crowning glory the knowledge of God." Paul listened to the simple appeal which followed with interest not unmixed with irritation.

It will be well to get a firm grasp of this idea, "one single man." Louis was the first of a long list of monarchs who in many countries established that particular form of highly efficient autocracy which we call "enlightened despotism." He did not like kings who merely played at being rulers and turned official affairs into a pleasant picnic.

Below the torrent of Big Shanty laughed in the sunlight. For Thayor to welcome Sperry with a warm grasp of the hand and an outburst of "Oh!

Those who have not actually had to experience it, or have not had the opportunity to see what our men "stuck out" in those days, will never fully grasp the reality.

The attempts made by Bunyan, and by one of much higher intellectual power and greater poetic gifts than Bunyan John Milton to bring that mystery within the grasp of the finite intellect, only render it more perplexing. The proverbial line tells us that "Fools rush in where angels fear to tread."