United States or Kiribati ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Why, there is one baby's cradle worth thirty-one thousand dollars, and a vase at twenty thousand, and a parasol at two thousand five hundred, and other things accordin' the idee! The Gobelin tapestries that are loaned by the French Goverment are absolutely priceless. Austria's big pavilion has her double eagles reared up over it; it stands up sixty-five feet high, and is full of splendor.

Ascending from the consideration of the narrow question of the political and military situation in Kentucky, and the extent of force necessary to redeem the State from rebel thraldom, forecasting in his sagacious intellect the grand and daring operations which, three years afterward, he realized in a campaign, taken in its entirety, without a parallel in modern times, General Sherman expressed the opinion that, to carry the war to the Gulf of Mexico, and destroy all armed opposition to the Goverment, in the entire Mississippi Valley, at least two hundred thousand troops were absolutely requisite.

Whoever, therefore, votes "not guilty" on these articles votes to enchain our free institutions, and to prostrate them at the feet of any man who, being President, may choose to control them. A few days after this, Judge Curtis, of the President's counsel, spoke on behalf of the President. The first and principal Goverment of the Articles of Impeachment against Mr.

For amongst the many curses of the murderer that I heard, not one word did I hear about the man that caused the murder, about the voters and upholders of that man, about the Goverment that wuz in partnership with that man and went shares with him, and for the sake of a few cents had dealt out that agony, that shame, and that criminality.

'Tis better then to flatter him as you doe. Be but yourself againe and then consider What alteration in the State can be By which you shall not loose. Would you change the goverment, Make it a Monarchie? Suppose this don And any man you favourd most set up, Shall your authoritie by him encrease?

But Chicago is dretful worrysome and active, jest like all children who have growed fast, and kinder outgrowed their clothes and family goverment. She is dretful forward for one of her years, and she knows it. She knows she is smart, and she is bound to have her own way if there is any possible way of gittin' it. And she had jest put her foot right down, that have that Fair she would.

"And the Goverment, this great beneficent Goverment, that looks down with pity on oncivilized races the Goverment of the United States sells and rents this man-eater and soul-destroyer at so much a year. "If I had my way," sez I, a-gittin' madder and madder the more I thought on't

You can apply this : And here I prophecie I, that have lyvd And dye a free man, shall when I am ashes Be sensible of your groanes and wishes for me; And when too late you see this Goverment Changd to a Monarchie youll howle in vaine And wish you had a Barnavelt againe. Now lead me where you will: a speedy Sentence: I am ready for it and 'tis all I ask you. Actus Quintus.

But by and by the fort was demolished, church and goverment property melted down under the warm demand for building-lots, the city spread like a ringworm, and one day 'Sieur George steps out of the old house in full regimentals! The Creole neighbors rush bareheaded into the middle of the street, as though there were an earthquake or a chimney on fire.

"This nation must keep up its glorious reputation before the other countries of the world. How will it look to 'em to have our Goverment permit such Sunday desecration? This is a national affair, and we should not be willin' to have our glorious nation do anything to lower itself in the eyes of the assembled and envious world."