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'No one shall harm you no on shall approach you to-night you are secure from all dangers in this tent, said the Goth, gazing on her with undissembled astonishment and admiration. 'I will tell you why death is so dreadful to me, she continued, and her voice deepened as she spoke, to tones of mournful solemnity, strangely impressive in a creature so young.

Go to him, and tell him what I have spoken. I will await his return! 'His business is secret, sneered the Hun. 'He has departed, but without telling me whither. How should I, that am a barbarian, know the whereabouts of an illustrious Goth? It is not for me to know his actions, but to obey his words! 'Jeer not about your obedience, returned Goisvintha with breathless eagerness.

Do this, if you have a prince's revenue, unless you would be vulgar. For, although you may be able to afford to cast jewels into the mire or break the Portland vase for your amusement, if you do so, you are a Goth. Jewels were not made for the mire, vases to be broken, or handsome clothes to be soiled and torn. Next to convenience is fitness to years and condition in life.

If the stubborn Goth chose to sulk, up among the chilly heights and on the bleak plains of the north, he might do so, and it was little matter if one Alfonso called himself "King of the Asturians," in that mountain-defended and sea-girt province.

"Thus," in the words of that excellent and contemporary historian Andres Bernaldez, commonly called the curate of Los Palacios, "thus did the king deliver Guadix from the hands of the enemies of our holy faith after seven hundred and seventy years that it had been in their possession, ever since the time of Roderick the Goth; and this was one of the mysteries of our Lord, who would not consent that the city should remain longer in the power of the Moors" a pious and sage remark which is quoted with peculiar approbation by the worthy Agapida.

I shall be very glad when Dias says that the mules have had enough rest and that we can set out on our business." "I am afraid you are a Goth, Bert," Harry said, looking at him with an expression of pity.

'And now, for Pelagia. We can but try. 'Your Excellency might offend the Goth. 'Curse the Goth! He shall have his choice of all the beauties in Alexandria, and be count of Pentapolis if he likes. But a spectacle I must have; and no one but Pelagia can dance Venus Anadyomene. Philammon's blood rushed to his heart, and then back again to his brow, as he reeled with horror and shame.

After tea I worked a little more. I began to warm in my gear, and am about to awake the whole controversy of Goth and Celt. I wish I may not make some careless blunders. March 14. Up at eight, rather of the latest then fagged at my review, both before and after breakfast. I walked from one o'clock till near three.

Frederic, son of Fava, took refuge with the Ostrogoths, and demanded revenge in the name of his royal race; and it is easy to conceive that the sympathies of the Goths would be with him. Dietrich went back, and from that day, the dream of eastern luxury was broken, and young Dietrich was a Goth again, for good and for evil.

The Roman and the Goth; the opposite in sex, nation, and fate; the madman who dreamed of the sanguinary superstitions of Paganism before the temple altar, and the assassin who brooded over the chances of bloodshed beneath the temple portico, were now united in a mysterious identity of expectation, uncommunicated and unsuspected by either the hour when the sun vanished from the heaven was the hour of the sacrifice for both!