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There are innumerable butterflies of graceful shape and gorgeous colours; what few birds there are have beautiful plumage; there is a faint rustle of leaves, a faint, far hum of insect life; but it feels so silent, so unlike the woods at home.

But everything was done with exactness, and it was not until the General was shaved and sitting up in his gorgeous mandarin robe that Bronson said, "I'd like to go out for an hour or two this morning, if you can spare me, sir " "In this snow? I thought you hated snow. You've always been a perfect pussy cat about the cold, Bronson." "Yes, sir, but this is very important, sir."

There was something extremely gorgeous about the appearance of the table, an effect of splendor conveyed by a cover of pale yellow satin under strips of lace-work. There were wax candles, in massive brass candelabra, burning softly under yellow silk shades; full, fragrant roses, yellow and red, abounded.

It is true that a body of clever people may be brought together, and, if left to their own impulses, the characters of their mind will show themselves; wit will flash, and thought will answer thought spontaneously; but every effort to make the stupid agreeable, by giving a direction of a pretending intellectual nature to their efforts, is only rendering dullness more conspicuous by exhibiting it in contrast with what it ought to be to be clever, as a bad picture is rendered the more conspicuous by an elaborate and gorgeous frame.

Let's buy enough for the whole platoon. It will be a gorgeous sight! Let's fetch Betteridge." Flinging prefectorial dignity to the winds, they rushed down to the studies. "Betteridge, you've got to let us draw upon the House funds for a good cause." They poured out the idea. Betteridge was enthusiastic. For six shillings they bought forty pairs of coloured laces.

The frost-king had no power to check their swift, dancing movements, or stop their perpetual song. On they leaped, sparkling and flashing beneath their ice-crowned banks, rejoicing as they revelled on in their lonely course. In the prime of the year, this is a wild and lovely spot, the grass is of the richest green, and the flowers of the most gorgeous dyes.

I have just left off writing for five minutes to watch the lightning, which is dancing in a fiery ring all round the horizon summer lightning, no thunder, although the flashes are strong and vivid.... We have had such a tremendous storm really gorgeous, grand, and awful; lightning that stretched from side to side of the sky, making a blaze like daylight for several seconds at a time.

The second day was the perfectly gorgeous kind that makes you want to go off to seek your fortune or dance on top of a high hill or do anything rather than stay at home, however nice your own garden may be. We agreed about this at breakfast, and I said: "Let's go to Wecanicut." We'd never gone to Wecanicut alone, but I couldn't see any reason why we shouldn't.

On the other hand, no poet has so planted our literature with gorgeous gardens from which generations of lesser laborers will be enriched and prospered. The figures in which Tennyson uses Nature are not, moreover, strained or artificial; they do not distort or cover the inner meaning, but bloom from it, revealing its beauty and its sweetness.

Gryce eyed the boy rather than the frogs, though probably the former would have sworn that his attention had never left that miniature conflict. "Was she a pretty lady?" he asked. The boy scratched his head in some perplexity. "She made me a good deal afraid of her," he said. "She had very splendid clothes; oh, gorgeous!" he cried, as if on this question there could be no doubt.