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We had crossed the wide and undulating plains, had paused at some tall beautiful falls plunging several hundred feet into the mysteriousness of a dense forest on which we looked down. There we had enjoyed some duck, goose and snipe shooting; had made the acquaintance of a few of the Masai, and had looked with awe on our first hippo tracks in the mud beside a tiny ditchlike stream.

Brownlie has offered her house, and I am to do most of the coaching." This last was uttered with a note of dismay to coach young people did not seem a very delightful task, so many difficulties being sure to come up unexpectedly. "And we are to select the scenes," went on Mrs. White, "so you may start in to think of Mother Goose just as soon as you like.

"What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the herring," laughed Jack as he came up behind the bully and suddenly sent him plunging headfirst into the spring. Herring sputtered and gasped, and Jack gave him another ducking, and without the slightest compunction.

As we got further down, the disturbed sea birds fluttered and screamed around our heads, the boldest even offering to peck at our hands, but fearing to do so for all the clatter they made about it. Once a great gray brent goose, with black head and staring eyes, approached Thora with a loud, harsh cry, and flapped its wide, outstretched wings against her.

Here for the first time, I touched the goose quill to the treaty not knowing, however, that, by the act I consented to give away my village. Had that been explained to me I should have opposed it and never would have signed their treaty, as my recent conduct will clearly prove. What do we know of the manners, the laws, and the customs of the white people?

That is, it had been splendid at first; but later the fun went out of it because we found that Peter was, of malice prepense, allowing himself to be caught too easily, in order that he might have the pleasure of catching Felicity which he never failed to do, no matter how tightly his eyes were bound. What remarkable goose said that love is blind?

Cut all the fat from the goose into small pieces and cook in a skillet with 1 cup of cold water. Let cook uncovered until the water has evaporated; then fry until brown. Sprinkle with salt and serve hot. French Venison Pie. Cut venison in very small pieces and stew, highly seasoned, until tender. Line a deep pie-dish with a rich pie-paste and bake. Then fill with the venison.

"You needn't be afraid about the pipe; I promised mother to-day that I would never smoke or drink or play cards." "That's good," said Marjorie, contentedly. "And so she feels safe about me; safer than I feel about myself, I reckon. But it is good-bye this time. I'll tell Helen what a little mouse and goose you are!" "Hollis! Hollis!" shouted a gruff voice, impatiently.

It was she who regained mental poise first. "Rufus!" she exclaimed, breaking away from me, "You're not a sensible man at all." "Never said I was," I returned. "If you do that," she answered, ignoring my remark and receding farther, "I'll never stop crying." "Then cry on forever!" With womanly ingratitude, she promptly called me "a goose" and other irrelevant names.

"Nor his liver, either oh, you goose! Which has the finest eyes? Why, you don't see such eyes as Mr. Dodd's every day. They are as large as yours, only his are dark." "Don't be angry, dear. You must admit his voice is very loud." "He can make it loud, but it is always low and gentle whenever he speaks to you. I have noticed that; so that is monstrous ungrateful of you."