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"Yes, sir," answered Rodney gratefully, "thanks to you." "How do you think you will like it?" "Very much, sir. It is so much better than going around the street with nothing to do." "I hope you will try to give satisfaction to my friend, Mr. Goodnow." "I shall try to do so, sir." "You mustn't expect to rise to be head salesman in a year. Festina lente, as the Latin poet has it."

There are, as Professor Goodnow has said, but two functions of government, that of expressing and that of executing the will of the state. The Supreme Court, in so far as it is a purely judicial body that is, a body for hearing and deciding cases is simply a means of executing the will of the state.

In the evenings under Rodney's instruction he devoted an hour and sometimes two to the task of making up the deficiencies in his early education. These were extensive, but Mike was naturally a smart boy, and after a while began to improve rapidly. So three months passed. Rodney stood well in with Mr. Goodnow, and was promoted to stock clerk.

Indeed, it was the last of the many kindly offices of Mr. Goodnow to introduce me to Rev. and Mrs. C. Goodrich. These new friends were delightful traveling companions. For a longer stay at Hong Kong and a much better boat to Manila, I was indebted to their thoughtfulness for me. We were told that we must all get in position to watch the entrance at Hong Kong.

Redwood went back to the store, and went at once to the office. "Well, Redwood," said Mr. Goodnow, "did you learn anything?" "Yes, sir." "Go on." "I went to the lodging of young Ropes, and was admitted to his room." "Well?" "And there, wrapped in a brown paper, I found one of our missing cloaks lying on his bed." "Is it possible?" "I am afraid he is not what we supposed him to be, Mr. Goodnow."

Goodnow carried out all his studies in Germany. The most widely-quoted statement on this subject is the remarkable interview, published in the first week of July, 1915, throughout the metropolitan press, between President Yuan Shih-kai and General Feng Kuo-chang, commanding the forces on the lower Yangtsze. This statement was telegraphed by foreign correspondents all over the world.

Goodnow, who was later to earn unenviable international notoriety as the endorser of the monarchy scheme, it erected what it was pleased to call the Presidential System; that is, it placed all power directly in the hands of the President, giving him a single Secretary of State after the American model and reducing Cabinet Ministers to mere Department Chiefs who received their instructions from the State Department but had no real voice in the actual government.

Goodnow carried out all his Constitutional studies in Germany, specializing in that department known as Administrative Law which has no place, fortunately, in Anglo-Saxon conceptions of the State.

Douglass Robinson, sister of the late Theodore Roosevelt, Miss Gertrude Atherton, Frank S. Goodnow, president of Johns Hopkins University, and Cardinal Gibbons out in strong statement favouring retention of beer and light wines.

Accordingly, as if still unconvinced, he now very naively requested the opinion of his chief legal adviser, Dr. Goodnow, an American who had been appointed to his office through the instrumentality of the Board of the Carnegie Institute as a most competent authority on Administrative Law. Even in this most serious matter the element of comedy was not lacking. Dr.