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"Something indeed," continued he, "has frightened the horse. A jaguar, I fancy, that scents the skins of his companions, or, more likely, the remains of our roast mutton. By the way, you can eat a bit now; I have kept a couple of pieces for you." And as he said this he handed two goodly-sized pieces of mutton to Tiburcio. This time the young man accepted the invitation to eat.

"What cheer, Joseph, what cheer!" "What cheer! Billy why, I didn't know you, you've grow'd so much," shouted the master of the Morning Star, whose middle-sized, but broad and powerful frame was surmounted by a massive countenance, with good humour in the twinkling eyes, and kindly chaff often in the goodly-sized mouth.

During the freshet of '63, General Grant opened the levee at Providence, Louisiana, in the hope of reaching Bayou Mason, and thence taking his boats to Red River. After the levee was cut an immense volume of water rushed through the break. Anywhere else it would have been a goodly-sized river, but it was of little moment by the side of the Mississippi.

"But there's nothing else," said Nunaga, gently. "Yes, there is. I have got some cold seal in my boots from this morning's breakfast," said Kabelaw, extracting a goodly-sized morsel; "I never go on a journey, however short, without a bit of cooked meat."

Kitty found a goodly-sized basket, and remembering King's appetite, they packed it well. "Here's some hard-boiled eggs," cried Marjorie, "let's take these." "I 'spect Eliza wants them for salad or something," said Kitty, "but she can boil more. We must take some milk, Midget." "Yes, here's a big pitcher full. Let's put it in a tin pail to carry it. The milkman will be here in time for breakfast."

She had, indeed, four goodly-sized carronades, but these were not an extraordinary part of a peaceful trader's armament in those regions, where man was, and still is, unusually savage.

When he applied these to a hole in the flat object, and caused it slowly to swell, they uttered a roar, and when, finally, they saw the flat thing transformed into a goodly-sized boat, they absolutely squealed with delight, and began to caper about in childlike joy. In this manner, three cases were opened, and three boats produced.

He tossed the lad a goodly-sized piece of meat, which, if anything, was overdone. Both ate more rapidly than was consistent with hygiene, their eyes continually wandering over the rocks and heights around them, in quest of their seemingly ever-present enemies, the Apaches. It required but a few moments for them to, complete their dinner.

Travelers go on horseback if their circumstances allow and by way of comfort, especially if there be ladies in the party, they generally provide themselves with mule-litters. The mule-litter is a goodly-sized palanquin, not quite long enough for lying at full length, but high enough to allow the passenger to sit erect.

Saying which, he draws out his knife, and cuts open the crane's crop, exposing to view several goodly-sized fish, fresh as if just cleared from a draw-net! They are of various sorts; the riverine waters of South America being noted for their wonderful multiplicity of both genera and species.