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But then comes Timidity, and after her Good-nature, and last of all Polite-behavior, all insisting that truth must ROLL, or nobody can do anything with it; and so the first with her coarse rasp, and the second with her broad file, and the third with her silken sleeve, do so round off and smooth and polish the snow-white cubes of truth, that, when they have got a little dingy by use, it becomes hard to tell them from the rolling spheres of falsehood.

"I'm coming to that," said Brisket, thoughtfully, as he gazed at the floor in all the agonies of composition; "Mr. Chalk is trying to get her a new place." "New place?" said Mrs. Chalk, in a choking voice. Captain Brisket nodded. "She ain't happy where she is," he explained, "and Mr. Chalk out o' pure good-nature and kindness of heart is trying to get her another, and I honour him for it."

By the 'suaviter in modo' engage their hearts, if you can; at least prevent the pretense of offense but take care to show enough of the 'fortiter in re' to extort from their love of ease, or their fear, what you might in vain hope for from their justice or good-nature.

Jacqueline's conduct amazes me; it looks like ingratitude." "Oh! she is a hard-hearted little thing! I always thought so!" said Madame de Villegry, carelessly. Here the rising of the curtain stopped short these discussions, which displayed so much good-nature and perspicacity.

The wealth of Mr. Levy was said to be only equalled by his good-nature to all who were in want of a temporary loan, and with sound expectations of repaying it some day or other. You seldom saw a finer-looking man than Baron Levy, about the same age as Egerton, but looking younger: so well preserved, such magnificent black whiskers, such superb teeth!

I want for companion a dog or a boy, or a person who has the virtues of dogs and boys, transparency, good-nature, curiosity, open sense, and a nameless quality that is akin to trees and growths and the inarticulate forces of nature.

The central figure of the most important group was the Colonel, his face beaming with good-nature, and his cheeks just a little flushed. He welcomed Wrayson almost boisterously. "Come along, Herbert," he cried. "Plenty of room. What'll you have to drink, and have you heard the news?" "Whisky and soda," Wrayson answered, sinking into an easy-chair, "and I haven't heard any news."

Indeed, you will be rather glad of it than otherwise; it relieves you from an annoying and embarrassing situation, which only your great good-nature induced you to accept. But I ask more than that. I want it to be understood that our engagement had ended when I last left Rivenoak. Can you consent to this? Will you bear me out when I break the news to Lady Ogram?"

He strolled about the fortified enclosure, chatting to fellow prisoners, and waiting for the call which should summon them to the huts. Through years of studied good-nature he had come to be regarded as a contented prisoner. He had no enemies save one among the guards.

My mother often talks of your good-nature. Does not she, Jane? Do not we often talk of Mr. Frank Churchill? Ah! here's Miss Woodhouse. Dear Miss Woodhouse, how do you do? Very well I thank you, quite well. This is meeting quite in fairy-land! Such a transformation! You are a judge. She did it all herself. Quite wonderful how she does her hair! No hairdresser from London I think could. Ah! Dr.