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But that was all there was to it, and the captain's mess boy did his allotted tasks each day, and stood for no end of jollying from the soldiers, who called him "Whitey" and "Eats," because he carried the captain's tray back and forth. This banter he shared with Frenchy, who took it as good-humoredly as Tom himself, when he understood it, and when he didn't Tom explained it to him.

"I suppose I have been spoiling sport, keeping you here," she said good-humoredly; for it was well known that Miss Jervis and Mr. "Then go," Lady Mary said, "and call Brown. I have a little business paper to write, and you must both witness my signature." She laughed to herself a little as she said this, thinking how she would steel a march on Mr. Furnival.

"All right," he said good-humoredly, "I shan't ask any one else, but if you happen to change your mind call me on the phone in the morning. Tell me what train you're coming down on and I'll meet you." She didn't expect to change her mind, but a phonograph did it for her.

Do you think you would prefer a lump sum now, and so be done with it altogether, or trust that the royalties may " "Royalties," prompted Marion, in an eager aside. The men laughed. "Quite right," Wimpole assented, good-humoredly; "it's a poor sportsman who doesn't back his own horse. Well, then, until to-morrow." "But," Carroll began, "one moment please. I haven't thanked you."

"Oh, I am not afraid of losing him, we hold him by a strong triple cord, spun by the Devil. No fear of losing him!" answered Cadet, grinning good-humoredly. "What do you mean, Cadet?" The Intendant took up his cup and drank very nonchalantly, as if he thought little of Cadet's view of the matter. "What triple cord binds De Repentigny to us?"

"Where was you aimin' to go so early?" asked one of them, laying hand on her bridle. "I'm the daughter of Colonel Landcraft, commanding officer at Fort Shakie, and I'm going home," she answered, as placidly and good-humoredly as if it might be his regular business to inquire.

Finden caught a glimpse of a woman's figure, and, without a word, passed abruptly from the dining-room, where they were, into the priest's study, leaving Varley alone. Varley turned to look after him, stared, and shrugged his shoulders. "The manners of the West," he said, good-humoredly, and turned again to the hallway, from whence came the sound of the priest's voice.

"Not altogether," Mr. Jarvis admitted. "To tell you the truth," he went on, confidentially, "I wanted to ask you a question or two." "Well, look sharp, then," Arnold said, good-humoredly. "I dare say Mr. Weatherley will be getting impatient, and he probably saw me come in." "I want to ask you," Mr.

At least, it's the best we can do with it." "What's the idea?" inquired the inventor, examining the small model curiously. "Why," laughed Jack Benson, good-humoredly, "it's an automatic device, set to a time principle, for closing the after port of the torpedo tube and letting off some compressed air. By means of this automatic device the last fellow could let himself out safely.

He brushed by her and went on out to the rig, returning almost instantly with an arm full of parcels. "We could all do with a cup of tea. Just have a look at the stove. It won't take two shakes to light a fire." "It seems hardly worth while; it's so late." "Oh, light the fire, my girl, and don't talk about it," he said good-humoredly.