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They were still a dull-eyed stunted throng, to whom air and movement seemed to have been too long denied; but there was more animation in the groups, more light in individual faces; many of the younger men returned Amherst's good-day with a look of friendliness, and the women to whom he spoke met him with a volubility that showed the habit of frequent intercourse. "How much you have done!"

I got up again. A peasant of about thirty, of huge stature, came in a red-cheeked, vigorous-looking fellow, with brown hair, and a short curly beard. He crossed himself, praying to the holy image, bowed to the head-clerk, held his hat before him in both hands, and stood erect. 'Good day, Sidor, said the fat man, tapping with the reckoning beads. 'Good-day to you, Nikolai Eremyitch.

"I threw mine away after the hired man set the barn afire with a spark from his pipe. I'll try to find a hornet's nest and maybe I can borrow a pipe from Daddy Longlegs. Now take these pills and start young Skunk to trotting. Good-day to you, Simon. I hope you'll feel better soon. "I'll have the kiddies hunt for a hornet's nest," planned Grand-daddy. Buster, Wink, and Wiggle met him by the pond.

And who is it like the little angel that came straight from heaven this blessed day? The dear woman! I must be off, so I'll say good-day to you, Mrs.

He united with his drug business a local and long-distance telephone and the Western Union telegraph-office, and he rented and sold commutation-books of railroad tickets to the City. "Good-day," he said. Then, before Anderson could respond, he plunged at once into the subject on his mind, a subject that was wrinkling his forehead.

"I will do that gladly, Michael: you may count on me to do that. And I will give you other things that you like. Wait till we see, wait till we see. Good-day, Michael; I must be going now, or the doctor will be kept waiting for his dinner. Where's my cabby?" "Mr. Griffing has drove round to the front of the house, mum," said Mike.

But I must not detain you now; I thank you for trying my plan with your good horse, and I am sure you will find it far better than the whip. Good-day," and with another soft pat on my neck she stepped lightly across the path, and I saw her no more.

He entered the garden, with his eyes fixed intently on the balcony, heard the councilor say good-day, turned his head toward the sound, and saw him standing there nodding, his arms full of empty flowerpots.

Tom moved heavily to and fro for a few minutes, and then the parcel was handed across the counter. "Hot weather," said the stranger, without raising his eyes. "Yes," said Tom, "hot weather, sir." "Good-day," said the stranger. "Good-day," answered Tom. And his customer took his departure. He passed out as he had passed in; but while he was indoors little Mr. Stamps had changed his position.

"Good-day, good-day," said the sheep, "we are going to set up for ourselves in the wood, for you know every man's house is his castle." "Well," said the goose, "I should so much like a home of my own, too. May I go with you?" "With gossip and gabble is built neither house nor stable," said the pig, "let us know what you can do."