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Then I replied: "I will raise you $500," and I put up the amount in my friend's hands. "What's that? What yer put up $500 agin my $10 for?" My friend told him he would have to put up $500 more, or he would lose his $10. "Wall, I'll be gol darned; I haint goin' to be backed out, fur if the boys in Greenups would hear on't they wouldn't speak to me when I go back thar."

But but why don't you kill him?" The three men were walking across the market-place. "That's Will Henderson's work," exclaimed Crombie with a fierce oath, nodding his head back at Eve's house. Jim and Peter offered no comment. Both had long since realized the fact. "Gol durn him!" cried the fiery doctor. "He'll kill her if he don't get killed instead." Jim said nothing.

"I never knowed that you went on to the water at all, Gol," said Mr. Smith, breaking in. "Ah, not now," explained Mr. Gingham; "it was years ago, the first summer I came to Mariposa. I was on the water practically all day. Nothing like it to give a man an appetite and keep him in shape." "Was you camping?" asked Mr. Smith.

I've set my mind on having that affair come off to-morrow, gol durn it, and I'm going to have a parson if I have to dangle down to the Junction on that old machine of yours, myself." A few added words of luridly picturesque intent gave force and colour to this declaration. The stranger on the cracker-box rose weakly and drew near.

"What obligation?" asked Peasley Hobart, stern like. "Deceased died owin' me f'r a cyclopeedy!" sez Higgins. "That's a lie!" sez Peasley. "We all seen him pay you for the Z!" "But there's another one to come," sez Higgins. "Another?" they all asked. "Yes, the index!" sez he. So there wuz, and I'll be eternally gol durned if he ain't a-suin' the estate in the probate court now f'r the price uv it!

She had lived up to it, or down to it, without any fuss, as good as any man in any phase of the life, and the only white woman in this whole West country. It was not in the words, but in the tone, that Abe Hawley found something unusual and defamatory. "Why, gol darn it, Nance, what's got into you? You bin a man out West, as good a pioneer as ever was on the border.

You see after Pa and I got back from the roller skating rink yesterday, Pa was all broke up and he couldn't carve the turkey, and I had to do it, and Pa sat in a stuffed chair with his head tied up, and a pillow amongst his legs, and he kept complaining that I didn't do it right. Gol darn a turkey any way.

That was a particularly bad day for halts: the first one was caused by the column having to cross the Perpish Gol, a very similar place to the Nisa Gol, but undefended. About two miles farther on, the road ran across the face of a cliff, and had been destroyed; it took some three hours to repair it, and then the baggage could only get along slowly.

Oh, for the peace of Bangor, Maine! There was a place for you! Down here it was all shooting, killing, and desperate trouble. Having escaped one crisis, was it possible the fates were to be so unkind as to put him in the way of another, from which there might be no extrication? Curse the luck, anyhow. Gol darn it! The hoof beats came nearer and nearer. There were more shots.

"'Yo' note, suh, is better 'n gol', I doan doubt; but I is made it a rule in my bizness not ter take no notes fum nobody. Howsomeber, suh, ef you is kinder sho't er fun's, mos' lackly we kin make some kin' er bahg'in. En w'iles we is talkin', I mought 's well say dat I needs ernudder good nigger down on my place. Ef you is got a good one ter spar', I mought trade wid you.