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An' massa, he say, `Go' nuffin more; only `Go; but ob course das nuff for me, so I hoed; an' now we're bof goin'." At this point in the conversation they came to a place where the road forked. Here they met a number of Arabs, hasting towards the town in a somewhat excited frame of mind.

He also affected great contempt for the landsman who had lived like a gentleman, and never killed a whale in his life. "There's no lunar to-night," said Captain Bottom, pausing at the quarter-deck rail, and addressing himself to the officer of the watch. "There's a goin' to be dirt, sir, there is; and them royals and topgallant-sails is got to cum in.

"Ivery man Jack av 'em, sorr, barrin' Misther Saunders; who, in coorse, as I tould you, sorr, has bin down in the hould a-sayin' to the stowage of the cargy, more power to his elbow! An', be the same token, I thinks I sayed him jist now coom up the main-hatchway an' goin' to the cuddy too, to join the others at grub."

Then he wanted pay aforehand, and that I wouldn't agree to, not because I thought you wasn't wuth it, but because I couldn't trust him if anybody offered him more before I got you. But that ain't the wust of it; yesterday he come down to see me and went back on his bargain, and that after I had spent the whole night thinkin' of you and what I was goin' to say.

It was a man, one of the upstairs lodgers. ''Ulloa! he said, ''oo's there? 'Mr. 'Odges! Strikes me, you did give me a turn; I was just goin' aht. She blushed to her hair, but in the darkness he could see nothing. 'Good night, she said, and went out.

Dear me! hain't I lost my memory, sure enough, except about these ere old things? They seem's clear's daylight." "Sixty-five last July, mother," said Mercy. "Don't you know I gave you your new specs then?" "Oh, yes, child, yes. Well, I'm sixty-five, be I? Then Caley, Caley, he'd be, let me see you reckon it, Mercy. I wuz goin' on nineteen when Caley was born."

"Accordin' to covenant, you can't fire me; and I'm goin' to hold the job down as long as my sweet will'll let me. Savve?" On Friday morning, early, all interested parties appeared before the Gold Commissioner to record their claims. The news went abroad immediately. In five minutes the first stampeders were hitting the trail. At the end of half an hour the town was afoot.

"Yes, it's easy for ye to talk that ways when he ain't around; but let him give any one o' ye a single look an' it's eat dirt for the lot. Ain't I seen it done many a time? An' some day Andy's goin' to give Pet the time o' his life," the single faithful henchman kept saying. "Oh, let up, Tom! Ain't any one o' ye got a knife? I can't never get this here knot untied. Hand it here, Billy.

In about three-quarters of an hour the boys got out of the car beside the Astor House. "Are you goin' in now, Frank?" asked Dick. "That depends upon whether you have anything else to show me." "Wouldn't you like to go to Wall Street?" "That's the street where there are so many bankers and brokers, isn't it?" "Yes, I s'pose you aint afraid of bulls and bears, are you?"

I told him I'd got that, and he offered me a check on the bank for sixty, and I let him have it. I thought that was a pretty easy way to earn ten dollars, so I counted out the money and he went off. He told me I'd hear a bell ring when they began to pay out money. But I've waited most two hours, and I haint heard it yet. I'd ought to be goin', for I told dad I'd be home to-night.