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"Pardon, pardon," said Gounsovski, smiling softly behind his goggles; "it is not the same thing." "No, no, it is not the same thing," seconded the lady with the black silk, brilliant jewels and flabby chin. "We speak here to a friend in the course of dinner-talk, to a friend who is not of the police. We never denounce anybody." "We must tell you.

He had heard say that in time of Queen Elizabeth sixscore of houses was washed clean away, and the river itself knocked right into the sea; and a thing as had been once might just come to pass again, though folk was all so clever now they thought they wor above it. But, for all that, their grandfathers' goggles might fit them. But here we was in Bruntsea town, and, bless his old eyes yes!

Officers passed rapidly between the speaker and me and continued east and west along the ranks of riflemen, repeating in calm, steady voices: "Fix bayonets, mes enfants; make as little noise as possible. Everybody ready in ten minutes. Ladders will be distributed. Take them with you. The bomb-throwers will leave the trench first. Put on goggles and respirators.

The gown she had on was thin and white, not suitable for travel, but she would not risk the losing of one moment in changing it. She put on a long coat and wound veils round her head and neck, arranging them in a hood so she could cover her face when necessary. She remembered to take an extra pair of goggles for Nels's use, and then, drawing on her gloves, she went out ready for the ride.

There was a remarkable stress upon the "please," considering the gun in Mary V's steady little right hand. She peered down owl-eyed at Bland through the big goggles. "This is Arizona where guns are not loaded with blanks, Mr. Halliday. I'll prove it if you like. I'd just love to shoot you!" Bland Halliday drew his feet together as though he intended to run.

After it he sent a curious, lingering smile. "Edward Billings Henry, Junior," replied the boy. The lips beneath the goggles smiled. "And where am I lifting you to, may I also ask, Edward Billings?" "To Mr. Florins's office, where they're going to select an office boy this morning 'tween ten and eleven."

He stepped to the door and saw me enter a quilez, and there was a gleam of anger in his crafty old eyes. The sunlight made him blink, for he was not wearing goggles, and as I rolled toward the Parian Gate, I looked back and saw him standing in the door and shading his eyes with his hand to look after me.

Comrades!" in the ghastly irony of surrender. A man whose entire helmet, gas-mask, and face had been blown off, and who was still alive and trying to speak, stiffened, relaxed, and died in my arms. As I rolled him aside and turned to the next man whom the bearers were lowering into the crater, his respirator and goggles fell apart, and I found myself looking into the ashy face of Duck Werner.

I know you ladies have discovered something about the 'specs' and I'd like pretty well to hear what it is." "You are wrong in one way, Mr. Grubb. These goggles do tell us who dropped them, if our surmises are correct." "You don't say?" "Yes. Do you recall the little experience we had on the station platform at Compton on the evening of our arrival?"

The five merry travelers crawled out and stretched themselves. They doffed their goggles and slipped off their linen dusters and changed forthwith from a group of flying gnomes into five tired-looking citizens of California. Two middle aged women. Two middle-aged men and a son. One of the men said, "Well, we'll lay up here for awhile, I got a blister on my hand from the wheel."