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Once or twice it recurred to her so vividly that she asked herself whether it could have been real. But a little reasoning convinced her that it must have been an hallucination. "If you please, madam," said one of her staff of domestics, a native of Wiltstoken, who stood in deep awe of the lady of the castle, "Miss Goff is waiting for you in the drawing-room."

The investigations of the Fassett Committee of the State Senate two years previously had shown how deep the tentacles of Tammany were thrust into the administrative departments of the city. The Senate now appointed another investigating committee, of which Clarence Lexow was the chairman and John W. Goff the counsel. The Police Department came under its special scrutiny.

"I am afraid," she stammered, "you will think me horribly rude; but I am so useless, and you are so sure to be disappointed, that that " "You are not rude, Miss Goff; but I find you very shy. You want to run away and hide from new faces and new surroundings."

"I may not be here always," explained Welborn, "and Landy won't be here forever. Young Goff is your bet. He's a square shooter, a good worker, and his sheep and your cattle are too few to awaken the old-time cattle and sheep wars. Tie in with Goff." And Goff came to look the place over and make a tentative contract.

What the injunction judges do in America, or try to do, the law was to do in New Zealand. "Except that not Judge Goff nor Judge Guy, nor any other injunction judge of our own happy clime, has dared to go quite so far as to declare that all striking everywhere is a crime to be punished with imprisonment. "How are you going to compel men to work? Why, thus, said the government of New Zealand.

She had been waiting to introduce herself to the lady of the castle for ten minutes in a state of nervousness that culminated as Lydia entered. "How do you do, Miss Goff, Have I kept you waiting? I was out." She had risen to shake hands, and now, after hesitating a moment to consider what etiquette required her to do next, resumed her seat.

'This old man will live longer, happier, more contented in knowing he has a neighbor that he can freely call on for help who will respond to his call. He's got a right to this comfort and satisfaction. You take it. And young Goff took it." The next morning David Lannarck was up bright and early, intent on his plans to visit the B-line ranch, but Mrs. Gillis had beat him to the draw.

"I may explain to you, Miss Goff," said Lucian, "that Lord Worthiugton is a young gentleman " "Whose calendar is the racing calendar," interposed Lydia, "and who interests himself in favorites and outsiders much as Lucian does in prime-ministers and independent radicals. Would you like to go to Ascot, Alice?"

"Why are you so scrupulous, Miss Goff? You will be close to your home, and can return to it at any moment if you become dissatisfied with your position here."

Next day he went with one Tom Goff To reap as he was seen, When he did cut his fingers off, The sickle was so keen! Another of the chap-book histories of noodles is that of Simple John and his Twelve Misfortunes, an imitation of Simple Simon; it was still popular amongst the rustics of Scotland fifty years ago.