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One of them started shouting at me in a forceful stream of Tamil. After much action and hand waving, I explained that I did not know Tamil, that I was from Goa and it was the first time I was travelling in a bus in Chennai. He fined me Rs.25! Fortunately, I had enough money on me and paid the fine but when I got down from the bus, I found that my empty purse had also been pick-pocketed!

These severe changes cause much suffering, and even death; and the vessel makes this voyage without once touching land until it reaches Acapulco, a period of five or six months. Morga also describes the voyage to Spain by way of Goa and the Cape of Good Hope, which also is long and dangerous. January, 1907. By Dr. Antonio de Morga.

Andrada carried away with him Don Jerome, the king's nephew, and a brother of his who was made prisoner in a skirmish with the natives, who was converted, and died at Goa. All the Jesuits agreed to desist from the mission of Madagascar, and departed along with Andrada much against his inclination; and thus ended the attempt to convert the natives of Madagascar to the Christian religion.

The Portuguese mistrusted this over-acted moderation, and affected silence; and according to the maxim of those politicians, who hold, that they who do the injury should never pardon, they used him afterwards as a rebel, and an enemy, upon very light conjectures, Jordan de Treitas, then governor of the fortress of Ternate. a man as rash and imprudent as Galvan was moderate and wise, seized the person of the prince, stript him of all the ornaments of royalty, and sent him prisoner to Goa, in the year 1546, with the Spanish fleet, of which we have formerly made mention.

"You ought to deal with such people, as you have seen me deal with many at Goa; and as I have lately treated my companion, whom I have dismissed from the Society, not having found him proper for our business." He meant Alvarez Pereyra, whom he had brought with him from the Indies, and whom he sent back from Sancian with the Portuguese vessels.

This valley is named Goa or Gova, and as we moved through it we found that what was smooth to the eye was very much furrowed by running streams winding round innumerable knolls. These little brooklets came down from the range on our left, and the water was deliciously cool. When we came abreast of the peak Chirobve, the people would no longer give us guides.

He endeavours an embassy to China. He appoints Barzæus rector of the college of Goa. The form by which Barzæus was made rector of the college, &c. He himself acknowledges Barzæus for superior. In what manner Barzæus receives the offices of rector and vice-provincial. The new instructions which he gives to Barzæus. He makes choice of his companions for China and Japan.

On these considerations he put to sea, on his return, about the conclusion of the year 1543; and having got to Cochin by mid-January, he arrived at Goa not long after. For the better understanding of what relates to the education of those young Indians, whom Xavier brought, it will be necessary to trace that matter from its original.

The emperor's very active pursuits caused him to require ready money more than cloves. Yet John III. had made an excellent bargain, and the monopoly thenceforth brought him in at least two hundred thousand ducats annually. Goa became more flourishing, the natives more wretched, the Portuguese more detested than ever.

It was a bright morning when the Portuguese vessel on which Amine was on board entered into the bay and roadstead of Goa. Goa was then at its zenith a proud, luxurious, superb, wealthy city, the capital of the East, a City of Palaces, whose Viceroy reigned supreme.