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She was kicking a ball of worsted with her dainty toes, for the amusement and instruction of a small tame jackal the only one I ever saw thoroughly domesticated. A charming little beast it was, with long gray fur and bright twinkling eyes, mischievous and merry as a gnome's.

I had the fire started again toward night for I was cold. Now I am no longer cold. "Take care of yourself," my friend the doctor said to me, "you have worked yourself to pieces and must rest." "Rest, rest" the word sounds like a gnome's irony from all the corners of my room, for my work is heaping up on all sides and threatens to smother me. "Work! Work!" This is the voice of conscience.

At the same time she darted out her tongue, which was several yards in length and like a scarlet thread, and with it stripped the ring from the gnome's finger and gave it to Hulda. "Speak, maiden, what reparation do you demand of this culprit, and what shall be his punishment?"

Then, all at once, he would press her forcibly in his arms, against his angular bosom, like his own possession, his treasure, as the mother of that child would have done. His gnome's eye, fastened upon her, inundated her with tenderness, sadness, and pity, and was suddenly raised filled with lightnings.

A 'undred an' forty feet, which is our len'th into two 'undred and ten, which is about the Gnome's, leaves seventy feet over, which we haven't got." "Is this all your own notion, Mr. Pyecroft?" I asked. "In spots, you might say yes; though we all contributed to make up deficiencies. But Mr.

The sad news drove Ratibor distracted, and as the days went on, and nothing could be heard of the princess, he forsook his castle and the society of men, and spent his days in the wild forests, roaming about and crying her name aloud to the trees and rocks. Meanwhile, the maiden, in her gorgeous prison, sighed in secret over her grief, not wishing to arouse the gnome's suspicions.

At the same time she darted out her tongue, which was several yards in length and like a scarlet thread, and with it stripped the ring from the gnome's finger and gave it to Hulda. "Speak, maiden, what reparation do you demand of this culprit, and what shall be his punishment?"

These sounds were so deadened by the clammy mist that they might have proceeded from some gnome's workshop deep in the bowels of the earth. The blows of a pile-driver at work on the Surrey shore suggested to Kerry's mind the phantom crew of Hendrick Hudson at their game of ninepins in the Katskill Mountains. Suddenly: "Is that you, Bryce?" he asked.

'Fly, dear little bee, towards the east, said she, 'to my beloved Ratibor, and softly hum into his ear that I love him only, but that I am a captive in the gnome's palace under the mountains. Do not forget a single word of my greeting, and bring me back a message from my beloved.

And she could see in his brown, gnome's eyes, the black look of inorganic misery, which lay behind all his small buffoonery. His figure interested her the figure of a boy, almost a street arab. He made no attempt to conceal it. He always wore a simple loden suit, with knee breeches. His legs were thin, and he made no attempt to disguise the fact: which was of itself remarkable, in a German.