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No painter ever produced its equal except Raphael; nor could a better be created except in so far as regards improvement in the mere rendering of form." Francis in the glory is new, but the angels are in part preserved.

A glance, a word from her, a dance with her, was the token. Her glory fell upon them, there was something nobler and more beautiful in them from that moment. How many there were who tried to draw her from memory! for she would not be photographed. It became a common pastime to draw her profile; some attained the greatest proficiency in the art.

For the stars, also, shall have an end, and the earth even as our bodies must end here this night; but our soul shall see the glory of God, the All-Wise, and shall live." "The sun riseth and the earth is made glad, and it is day; and again he setteth and it is night, and the whole earth is sorrowful.

God the Son, the Eternal Word of the Father, "the brightness of His glory and the figure of His Substance." "God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father: by Whom all things were made."

Between the towers, in olden times, as we know from an illumination in a Froissart MS., stood a great statue of the Virgin. The whole of this glorious fretwork of stone, including the tracery of the rose window, was once refulgent with gold and azure and crimson, and the finished front in its mediæval glory has been compared to a colossal carved and painted triptych.

Of one thing, however, I will speak, and I think of it now and then, may it be the good pleasure of our Lord to bring me on, so that I may have the fruition of it! what will be the accidental glory and the joy of the blessed who have entered on it, when they see that, though they were late, yet they left nothing undone which it was possible for them to do for God, who kept nothing back they could give Him, and who gave what they gave in every way they could, according to their strength and their measure, they who had more gave more.

But perhaps rather, they would tell you to leave that to Him who has taken away our sins, and not trouble yourself any more about it. But to tell the truth, I don't think such thoughts will come to you at all when once you have seen the face of Jesus Christ. You will be so filled with His glory and goodness and grace, that you will just live in Him and not in yourself at all."

You'll find Captain Simon Beck an' Miss Glorietta Beck' 'cause I'm goin' to put that long tail to my plain 'Glory' when I go to live there, grandpa. "Lemme see. Where was I?" the little girl went on. "Oh, yes. The Elbow folks had just come, an' was showed in. They was told, 'Walk right in.

We know but little of things in this world, with all our sciences and study, and we know much less about God, and glory, and immortality, and the spirits which live outside the tent of this mortal flesh, or of any of those things which "eye hath not seen, nor ear heard."

These questions made an impression on me, so that they always come up to my memory in connection with that evening's walk. Certainly, the apostle says that, "Beholding the glory of the Lord, we are changed into the same image from...glory to glory;" therefore there may be something in my companion's idea. But, however interesting the subject might be to consider.