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Long, long ere the thistle was twined with the rose, And the firmest of friends now were fiercest of foes, The flag of Dalwolsey aye foremost was seen; Through the night of oppression it glitter'd afar, To the patriot's eye 'twas a ne'er-setting star, And with Bruce and with Wallace it flash'd through the fray, When "Freedom or Death" was the shout of the day, For the thistle of Scotland shall ever be green!

A poison'd poignard in his belt he wore, A crescent sword depended at his side, The deathful quiver at his back he bore, And infants at his very look had died! The moon's cold beam athwart the temple fell, And to his sleeping prey the Tartar led; But soft! a startled camel shook his bell, Then stretch'd his limbs, and rear'd his drowsy head. Hamet awoke! the poignard glitter'd high!

Pensive, at eve, on the hard world I mus'd, And my poor heart was sad: so at the moon I gazed, and sigh'd, and sigh'd! for ah! how soon Eve darkens into night! Mine eye perus'd With tearful vacancy the dampy grass, Which wept and glitter'd in the paly ray: And I did pause me on my lonely way, And muse me on those wretched ones, who pass O'er the black heath of sorrow. But alas!

"'I have no money to procure you food, No wood, no coal, to raise a cheerful fire; The madd'ning cup may warm your frozen blood We die, for lack of that which you desire! She ceased, erect one moment there he stood, The foam upon his lip; with fiendish ire He seized a knife which glitter'd in his way, And rush'd with fury on his helpless prey.

The description of the burn in Hallowe'en is most beautiful in itself, yet it is but a detail in a great picture 'Whyles owre a linn the burnie plays, As thro' the glen it wimpl't; Whyles round a rocky scaur it strays; Whyles in a wiel it dimpl't; Whyles glitter'd to the nightly rays, Wi' bickerin', dancin' dazzle; Whyles cookit underneath the braes, Below the spreading hazel, Unseen that night.

The steely armour glitter'd o'er the fields, And lightnings flash'd from gold emblazoned shields; Thou wouldst have said, the clouds had burst in showers, Of sparkling amber o'er the martial powers. Thus, close embodied, they pursued their way, And reached the Barrier-fort in terrible array.

Beth brought the book, and then climbed up on his knee, and settled there happily, with her head on his shoulder. "As I laye a-thynkynge, the golden sun was sinking, O merrie sang that Bird as it glitter'd on her breast, With a thousand gorgeous dyes, While soaring to the skies, 'Mid the stars she seem'd to rise, As to her nest;

And we have also this way obtain'd a Sublimate, the Lower part whereof though it consisted not of Rubies, yet the small pieces of it, which were Numerous enough, were of a pleasant Reddish Colour, and Glitter'd very prettily. Annotation.