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He saw only Ygerne Bellaire, and the picture which she made would never grow dim in the man's mind though he lived a hundred years. She stood upon a monster bear skin. Upon the rug, strewn about her carelessly, their bright discs adance with reflected light, a thousand minted gold pieces caught the glint of the low sun. Her head was thrown back, her arms lifted.

"Sugar trees" blazed in rustling torches of crimson and in the sweet-gums awoke colour flashes like those which glint in a goblet of burgundy. Before the house in the bend of the river the great walnut stood like a high-priest lording it over lesser clerics: a Druid giant of blond maturity, with outstretched arms that seemed to brush the drifting cloud-fleece by day and the stars by night.

"Transformed him into a bit of potter's clay. But then?" "Then the old man suddenly saw a glint of gold in the dusty heap." "And the stiffest neck will stoop for that." "Quite true. My Hotepu did so, and the broad gold circlet the lad wore flashed in the sunlight and preserved his life a second time." "The luckiest thing is that we have the lad in our possession."

'Am I interrupting you, Herbert; are you very busy? he asked at last, taking refuge on a chair in a far corner of the room. 'Bless me, no; not a bit not a bit, said Herbert amiably, laying down his pen. 'I'm afraid the old leatherjackets have been boring you. It's a habit this beastly reading; this gorge and glint and fever all at second-hand purely a bad habit, like morphia, like laudanum.

The editor of the "Clarion" smiled. At sight of that smile some demon-artist in faces blocked in with lightning swiftness parallel lines of wrath at right angles to the corners of the Pierce mouth. Through the lips shone a thin glint of white. "You find me amusing?"

As Trubus raised the glass to drink the red liquid Bobbie caught the glint of an enormous diamond ring which must have cost thousands. "Well, evidently his charity begins at home!" thought the young man as he stepped toward the desk. Tiring of the wait he addressed the absorbed reader. "I beg your pardon, Mr. Trubus, but I was announced and told to come in here to see you."

Tom took the branch and stood looking admiringly, yet with a glint of amusement lighting his stolid features, at the younger boy, who sat with his knees drawn up humorously inspecting the scratch on his leg. "Well, what do you think of eagles now?" Tom asked, in his dull way. "Decline to be interviewed," Hervey said, with irrepressible buoyancy.

"And their very surroundings bear them out!" Dr. Holmes cried, vivacious in movement and glance as a boy. "Where else are the little door-yards that hold their glint of sunlight so tenaciously, like the still light of wine in a glass?

The German fleet won't wait for any declaration, I should say, if they thought they could catch us napping. But they won't. I fancy we're ready for them here, anyhow!" He jerked his thumb at some dark masses looming through the darkness in the harbour, caught here and there by a glint of metal reflected in the water. They were cruisers and submarines nosing towards the harbour mouth.

As he turned it slantwise to the light, the glint upon the rims of the copper shells within the drum showed that it was fully loaded. He quickly restored it to his secret pocket, but not before it had been observed by a working man who had seated himself upon the adjoining bench. "Hullo, mate!" said he. "You seem heeled and ready." The young man smiled with an air of embarrassment.