United States or Equatorial Guinea ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

It was a beautiful and cheering sight to see them gliding over the clear waters, while their voices mingled with those of the songsters which nature had given to the hillside and the forest. Their hearts were glad, and in beautiful unison with the scene around them. "Rapids!" exclaimed Frank, when the boat reached the bend. "Up with the blue!" "Steady!" added Charles. "Pull slowly."

I can never rid myself for one moment of the idea that an engine really works, with weary, reluctant strength like a genii slave, waiting vengefully for the time of retaliation, which sooner or later is sure to come; or of the visionary notion that a graceful, gliding ship, with all sails set, receives the same pleasure from its own motion and beauty that a snow-white swan must do "as down she bears before the gale," with her white plumage and stately crest.

She was gliding timidly away again, when she was arrested by the governess. 'It was Miss Edwards who did that, I KNOW, said Miss Monflathers predictively. 'Now I am sure that was Miss Edwards. It was Miss Edwards, and everybody said it was Miss Edwards, and Miss Edwards herself admitted that it was.

It is very good; perhaps better than any of the lot.... However, the entente is now established. My mind, too, is a good deal relieved to-day by seeing the wretched junks, which have been shut up so long by the blockade, with their sails set, gliding down the river. I sent Mr. Wade to visit Yeh yesterday, to see how he took the notion of being sent out of the country to Calcutta or elsewhere.

Belly to the ground, its movements resembled rather those of a snake than an animal as it wound its way through the scrub, gliding through the ferns, and taking advantage of all the bushes. Occasionally it sat up to peer cautiously at the bull, and then sinking down it again glided on.

It was as if the gray Dame was gliding through the air and touching the laughing young faces with her wings, so that they looked serious and old. Only when Elsbeth opened the piano and began a merry dance the frozen gayety recommenced. Paul stood in a corner and gazed at the merrymaking. They left him quite to himself, only now and then a shy glance met him.

I watched the procession of head-lights gliding high and of green lights gliding low in the night, when suddenly a red gleam flashed at me, vanished, came into view again, and remained. The fore-end of a steamer loomed up close. I shouted down the cabin, 'Come up, quick! and then heard a startled voice saying afar in the dark, 'Stop her, sir. A bell jingled.

Chanute came to the conclusion that any young, quick, and handy man could master a gliding machine almost as soon as he could get the hang of a bicycle, although the penalty for any mistake would be much more severe. At the conclusion of his experiments he decided that neither the multiple plane nor the biplane type of glider was sufficiently perfected for the application of motive power.

The library, which was back of the drawing-room, had been transformed into an aquarium. All round the walls, waves of blue-green gauze simulated water, in which papier-mache fish were gliding and swimming. The illusion was heightened by other fishes, which, being suspended from the ceiling by invisible threads, seemed to be swimming through the air.

There were two colored servants gliding about the room, and a pretty waiting-maid. "O dear, no cook from Cathay," whispered Kyzie to Edith. "I don't know what you mean." "I mean I wanted a cook from Cathay or Cipango," went on Kyzie, laughing behind her napkin. "I'm going to shake you," said Edith, who suddenly bethought herself that Cathay and Cipango were the old names for China and Japan.