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He felt dimly that he had done his ideal an irreparable wrong. Nettie talked on, not minding his silence, looking up into his face in innocent glee, planning some new party or moonlit drive.

"Kind folk, sir bad as their mountebanking looked the first night, sir why, Lord bless your honour, may they make a marine of me, if they han't set a Bungo to wait on us, Bill and I, that is and we has grog more than does us good and grub, my eye! only think, sir Bill and Timothy Tailtackle waited on by a black Bungo!" and he doubled himself up, chuckling and hugging himself, with infinite glee.

Then, to sit and gaze at us, to laugh with childish glee at everything new or strange that we employed ourselves about to pat and stroke us every time we came near her sometimes to raise our hand or arm and kiss it these were her demonstrations of affection. And we loved her in return.

And who would have thought, watching the lighted windows of palace and tavern, hearing those joyous sounds of glee or catch trolled by voices that reeked of wine who would have thought of the dead-cart, and the unnumbered dead lying in the pest pits yonder, or the city in ruins, or the King enslaved to a foreign power, and pledged to a hated Church?

He thought that he was once more with Harry on the castled rock; his lips were pressed to hers; his arm was around her waist, just as they had been; but, instead of his slipping alone over the precipice, they fell together; and as they did so not without a wild delight mingling with his despair she was suddenly plucked away from him, and, as he sank headlong down, down, he saw that Solomon Coe had caught her in his arms, and, with her father, was looking down upon him with savage and relentless glee!

"Not you," replied Rosenstein, with unexpected repartee, and was going out amid a chorus of glee at Amidon's discomfiture when another man darkened the doorway, and the storekeeper fell back as Captain Carroll entered amid a sullen silence. The postmaster rose, and in a second the small man and Amidon followed his example.

The twins were in high glee, and Freddie said he was going to spend the twenty-five cents he had been saving up for several months. "Let us buy mamma something for Christmas," said Flossie, who had the same amount of money. "What shall we buy?" That question was a puzzling one.

Very warily he paddled up to the mouth of the creek, and was just passing under the bridge, when ... Crash! A great stone, dropped from above, smashed through the bottom of the boat. It filled and sank, and Toad found himself struggling in deep water. Looking up, he saw two stoats leaning over the parapet of the bridge and watching him with great glee.

As the bus swung along, a number of things kept jumbling through my mind: Benda's effusive glee at seeing me, and his sudden turning and bundling me off in a nervous hurry without a word of explanation; his lined and worried face and yet his insistence on the joys of his work in The Science Community; his obvious desire to be hospitable and play the good host, and yet his evasiveness and unwillingness to chat intimately and discuss important thing as he used to.

"Why!" he cried out in great glee, "then the elephant, Mother, has two trunks. I guess I can make a good riddle out of that, can't I?" Russ and Rose took Alexis downstairs after that so that he would not be in the way. They wanted to see Sam again, anyway. And they asked him to dance for them. "I'm going to learn how to cut that pigeon wing," Russ declared. "You do it again, please, Sam.