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If he serves on Prince Humphry's yacht, that is enough to say that Humphry himself has probably seen her. Under all the circumstances, I confess, my dear Von Glauben, that your presence here is a riddle which needs explanation!" "It shall be explained, Sir " murmured the Professor. "Naturally! It must, of course be explained.

Heinrich von Glauben was a man of somewhat extraordinary character and individuality. In his youth he had made a sudden meteoric fame for his marvellous skill and success in surgery, as also for his equally surprising quickness and correctness in diagnosing obscure diseases and tracing them to their source.

"Pardon me, Sir," returned Von Glauben calmly; "There is no goddess of Wisdom here, so please you, but only a very simple and unworldly young woman. She is " Here he hesitated a moment, then went on "She is merely the adopted child of a fisherman living on these Islands." "I am aware of that!" said the King still smiling. "Rene Ronsard is his name.

People make petitions to him, and he never answers them they try to point out errors and abuses, and he takes no trouble to remedy them he is no better than a wooden idol! He is not a real man, though he looks like one." "Oh, you think he looks like one?" murmured Von Glauben; "That is to say you are not altogether displeased with his appearance?"

He was depressed in spirit, yet not altogether solitary, for he had with him a kindly companion in Professor von Glauben.

There was a moment's dead silence. Professor von Glauben gave a discreet cough to break it, and the King, reminded of his presence turned towards him. "Has she no sense of the position?" he demanded. "Sir, I have every reason to believe that she grasps it thoroughly!" replied Von Glauben with a deferential bow. "Then why " But here he was again interrupted by the Queen.

That is why truthful persons are generally lonely because nearly all the world's inhabitants are liars!" "But the King " again began Sir Roger. "The King is a man!" said Von Glauben, with a flash of pride in his eyes "Which is more than I will say for most kings! Who shall blame him for asserting his manhood? Not I! Not you!

That same afternoon there was a mysterious commotion at the Palace, whispers ran from lip to lip among the few who had seen her, that a beautiful woman, lovelier than the Queen herself, had, under the escort of the uncommunicative Professor von Glauben, passed into the presence of the King and Queen, to receive the honour of a private audience. Who was she? What was she? Where did she come from?

But I hope you give me credit for not being altogether a fool; and I have an idea that my son's frequent mysterious visits to The Islands have something to do with this fair Gloria of Glorias!" Von Glauben started involuntarily. "You perhaps think it too? Or know it?

"You have never tried the cure, Professor," he said, "But I daresay you have suffered from the disease! Will you walk with me?" Von Glauben bowed a respectful assent; and the Prince, with a kindly nod of dismissal to De Launay, went on his way, the Professor by his side.