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And suddenly, rich and clear as a bell, a golden cadence of notes rang out with the words: "Ah, Hast thou forgotten, That I possessed thy heart?" The King sprang lightly out of his hiding-place, and with De Launay moved on slowly and cautiously through the trees. "Ach, mein Gott!" they heard Von Glauben exclaim "That is a bird-call which will float on wings to the ears of the King!"

"Eminently sensible!" said Von Glauben, recovering his usual phlegmatic calm; "You would have killed the man she loves best in the world. And so with perfect certainty you would have killed her as well, and probably yourself afterwards. A perfect slaughterhouse, like the last scene in Hamlet, by the so admirable Shakespeare! It is better as it is. Life is really very pleasant!"

Sir Roger de Launay walked immediately behind his Sovereign, and Professor von Glauben was close at hand, companioned by two of the gentlemen of the Royal Household. All at once a young man pushed himself out of the crowd nearest to the enclosure, paused a moment irresolute, and then, with a single determined bound reached the King's side. "Thief of the People's money!

The interview would be private; his Royal Highness the Crown Prince would be present; it might last an hour, perhaps longer, and he, Von Glauben, was entrusted to bring Gloria to the Palace, and escort her back to The Islands again when all was over.

"Is it always like this here?" she asked, gazing around her. "Do you always sit thus in a chair, dressed grandly and quite silent?" The smile deepened on the King's face; the Queen, perforce moved at last from her inertia, half rose with an air of amazement and indignation, and Von Glauben barely saved himself from laughing outright.

Well, upon my word, I should at this moment take you for a raw lad of about eighteen, for you are blushing, Von Glauben! actually blushing!" The Professor drew out a handkerchief, and wiped his brow. "It is a warm morning, Roger," he said, with a mildly reproachful air; "I suppose I am permitted to feel the heat?"

Anon he paused in the very act of greeting, as the old man turned his strong, deeply-furrowed countenance upon him with a look of fierce indignation and scorn. "So! You are here!" he said; "Have you come to look upon the evil your Royal master has worked? Or to make dutiful obeisance to Gloria as Crown-Princess?" Von Glauben was altogether taken aback. "Then you know ?" he stammered.

The two men looked at each other in silence. At last Von Glauben said: "Ronsard, I think you will soon reap the reward of your 'life- philosophy' system! You have fed that girl from her childhood on strong intellectual food, and trained the mental muscles rather than the physical ones. Upon my word, I believe you will see a good result!"

He paused then with a sudden burst of impatience he exclaimed: "By the Emperor's head! It is of no use denying it I am very much put out, Roger! I must get a boat, and slip off to The Islands at once!" Sir Roger stared at him in complete amazement. "You? You want to slip off to The Islands? Why, Von Glauben !" "Yes yes, I know! You cannot possibly imagine what I want to go there for!

The Prince stood waiting for his father to speak, till at last, growing impatient and waiving ceremony, he began. "I came, Sir, to spare Von Glauben your reproaches, which he does not merit. You accused him yesterday, he tells me, of betraying your trust; he has neither betrayed your trust nor mine! I alone am to blame in this matter!" "In what matter?" enquired the King quietly.