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But whilst this muddy vesture of decay Doth grossly close it in we cannot hear it." Merchant of Venice The spheres were conceived to be crystalline or glassy fabrics arranged over one another like a nest of bowls reversed. In the substance of each sphere one or more of the heavenly bodies was supposed to be fixed, so as to move with it.

"Why not?" said Sam, regarding him with glassy eyes. "We came out fin' 'im!" "Cos it's dark, for one thing," said the cook. Sam laughed scornfully. "Come on!" said Dick, catching him by the arm again. "I come out fin' cap'n, cap'n fin' 'im," said Sam. "I'm not goin' back 'thout 'im."

Are there any minds in which they do not re-awaken some sorrow, or some trouble? What is the remembrance of the old man who was here to-night? A tissue of sorrow and trouble." "But common natures," said the Phantom, with its evil smile upon its glassy face, "unenlightened minds and ordinary spirits, do not feel or reason on these things like men of higher cultivation and profounder thought."

"Well," resumed the doctor, "the LAWYERS were thrown by themselves, and one old fat fellow, weighing, perhaps, five or six pounds, fixed his great, round, glassy eyes upon me, and opened his ugly mouth, and I thought I heard him say, interrogatively, 'Well, as if demanding that the case should proceed at once. "'Well, said I, in reply, 'what's out?

Gathering the cord into a coil, such as wharfmen form when casting ropes to steamers; he swung it round his head, and hove his hook half-way across the glassy pool. The fish looked up at him, apparently in calm surprise certainly without alarm. Then Olly began to haul in the hook.

You'll be all right soon. It's jes' a little spell. Brace up an' drop that stuff." The old man smiled sadly as if he pitied Jack. Then he repeated slowly: "Holy, holy, holy, all the saints adore Thee Castin' down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; Cherubim an' Seraphim, fallin' down before Thee Which wert an' art, an' ever more shall be."

Maurice also spoke to him, but without making any impression on his mind. There was no meaning in his gaze when it rested on the faces of either; but his eyes, the instant they fell upon Madeleine's countenance, grew less glassy, more living, and through them the darkened soul looked dimly out. Whatever might have been the internal sufferings of the countess, they did not conquer her stoicism.

Peter taking care of Missy sahib." And, with glassy eyes fixed and white lips rigid, Tessa's strained whisper came in answer. "O Lord, don't let it bite me!" Tommy would have flung himself forward then, but Bernard caught and held him. He had seen the look in the Indian's eyes, and he knew beyond all doubting that Tessa was safe, if any human power could make her so. Stella knew it also.

That family, before another month is gone, will be among the strongest opponents of enamel paint that the century has produced. Enamel paint will be the ruin of that once happy home. Enamel paint has a cold, glassy, cynical appearance. Its presence everywhere about the place will begin to irritate the old man in the course of a week or so.

The waves rose in growing fury, each over-topping its fellow, till in a very few minutes the lately glassy sea was like a roaring and devouring monster. White-crested waves beat madly on the level sands and rushed up the shelving cliffs. Others broke over the piers, and with their spume swept the lanthorns of the lighthouses which rise from the end of either pier of Whitby Harbour.