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I could see him straighten up, glance at it, then go on with his mowing again. There was a certain elegance, a fine spaciousness about these artillery-men and their work which made one more content with war again.

Before nine Munro appeared, hearty, healthy, vigorous as usual. "If this place were in Russell Square," he said, after a hasty glance round the drawing-room, "I should not mind taking a twenty-one years' lease of it at forty pounds a year, even if ghosts were included in the fixtures." "I see you place no credence in my story," I said, a little stiffly.

She went away without a backward glance so she did not see her stepfather drop to his knees beside the chair and gather the quiet woman roughly into his arms, nor hear his insistent voice. "Her husband. The first husband she ever had. Say it, Mildred. Say it."

McFarlane met him at the hitching-bar, and it required but a glance for him to read in her face a troubled state of mind. "This has been a disastrous trip for Berrie," she said, after one of the hands had relieved the Supervisor of his horse. "In what way?" She was a bit impatient. "Mrs. Belden is filling the valley with the story of Berrie's stay in camp with Mr. Norcross."

If all this had not been accurately set down in the history, what sad ignorance we should have been left in! The loss to the Romans would have been irreparable, if Mausacas the Moor had got nothing to quench his thirst, and come back fasting to camp. It is no exaggeration to say that such writers never give the rose a glance, but devote all their curiosity to the thorns on its stem.

"Well, I'm a Jonah in the show business. I guess it's the best thing I can do to get out of it. You'll do the right thing by Mary and and " he swallowed hard, casting a half glance at the other out of his bleary eyes "and the young 'un. They'll get what's coming to them, Bob?" "Certainly." "I wouldn't sell out like this if if Mary had acted decent by me," he said, trying to justify his action.

To-morrow afternoon we are going back to Newcastle, where we will "lie" one night, as old books say, and then make a very matinal start to do our great day in Yorkshire, passing first through Durham, with just a glance at the great cathedral. Once upon a time we would have given more than a glance. But, as I told you, Sir Lionel seems to have lost heart for the "long trail."

At the first glance at the bed, Sigismond thought: "He hasn't been in bed" for the clothes were undisturbed and the condition of the room, even in the most trivial details, revealed an agitated vigil: the still smoking lamp, which he had neglected to extinguish, the carafe, drained to the last drop by the fever of sleeplessness; but the thing that filled the cashier with dismay was to find the bureau drawer wide open in which he had carefully bestowed the letter and package entrusted to him by his friend.

Yet, I myself was thinking of her, too; and because of it a strange, slow anger was possessing me. "Thank God," thought I to myself, "no woman of the common class could win a second glance from me. In which," I added with satisfaction, "I am unlike most other men." A Philistine thought the same, one day if I remember right.

The western end of the building is an eighteenth century work, although to glance at the great patches of orange-coloured lichen that spread themselves over so much of the stone-work, it would be easy to imagine that the work was of very great antiquity. In earlier times there were some further bays belonging to the nave beyond the present west front in the space now occupied by an open platform.