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As Hogarth descended into it, harp and dance ceased; some leapt to their feet: but O'Hara sat still, gazing in a dead silence through glairy eyes, while Hogarth, looking about, spied an electric button in a couch, touched it, and soon a man in uniform stood at a door above. "Who are you?" asked Hogarth. "John Souttar, head-telegraphist, may it please your Lordship's Majesty".

Observe that it is colorless and either transparent or translucent, and when poured from one vessel to another is glairy and more or less adhesive. Its reaction is alkaline to litmus paper. Experiment 57. Make a thin paste from pure starch or arrowroot. Dilute a little of the saliva with five volumes of water, and filter it. This is best done through a filter perforated at its apex by a pin-hole.

That the glands secrete the glairy liquid of the drop is evident, not only from its nature, but from its persistence through a whole day's exposure to a summer sun, as also from its renewal after it has been removed, dried up, or absorbed.

In a paroxysm, the child coughs so long and so violently, and expires so much air from the lungs without inspiring any, that at times he appears nearly suffocated and exhausted; the veins of his neck swell; his face is nearly purple; his eyes, with the tremendous exertion, almost seem to start from their sockets; at length there is a sudden inspiration of air through the contracted chink of the upper part of the wind-pipe the glottis causing the peculiar "hoop;" and after a little more coughing, he brings up some glairy mucus from the chest; and sometimes, by vomiting, food from the stomach; he is at once relieved, until the next paroxysm occur, when the same process is repeated, the child during the intervals, in a favourable case, appearing quite well, and after the cough is over, instantly returning either to his play or to his food.

A peculiarity of this monad is the extreme uncertainty of the length of time which may elapse before even the most delicate change in this sac is visible. Its absolute stillness may continue for ten or more hours. During this time it is absolutely inert, but at last the sac for such it is opens gently, and there is poured out a brownish glairy fluid.

In its stead you will find, close by the outlet of the pylorus, the open ends of certain small tubes, which are shut in at their upper extremity like a "blind alley," and through which descends into the interstices a thick glairy fluid, given out from their sides or walls.

"What is it?" "You can see what it is. Blood." From the hole in the man's head, through the soaked bandages, it still dripped, dripped with a light sound; it had made a glairy pool on the floor of the ambulance. "Don't look at it," she said. "It'll make you sick. You know you can't stand it." "Oh. I can't stand it, can't I?" He straightened himself.

Now one of the ladders was down another fell, with horrid tumult a third! An automatic in each hand, Stern scrambled to the glairy summit of the fortification. A mace swung at him. He leaped sidewise, firing as he sprang. With a scream the ax-man doubled up and fell, and vanished in the gloom below the wall.

Each division of the alimentary canal has its own distinct digestive juice, and I give them in the order in which they occur. First, The saliva; secreted from the glands of the mouth: alkaline, glairy, adhesive. Second, The gastric juice; secreted in the inner or third lining of the stomach, an acid, and powerful enough to dissolve all the fiber and albumen of flesh food.

There was no loss of semen, but after the paroxysms a small quantity of glairy mucus escaped from the meatus. The rigidity was remarkable, simulating the spasms of tetanus. No language could adequately describe the suffering of the patient.