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She was glad, afterward, that this was all she did, for at the far end of the veranda Daniel Burton stepped out from a door, and stood for a moment watching them. But it was for only a moment. And when she begged mutely for him to come forward and speak, he shook his head fiercely, covered his eyes with his hand, and plunged back into the house. "What was that, Susan?

No wonder the Indians are glad to return to their tribal summer camping grounds; for it is there that they rest and play and spend their summer holidays.

The hunter nodded, and took a step behind the bush. Bending over he lifted something from the ground. It was a girl. It was Nell! She was very white but alive. A faint, glad smile lighted up her features. Not a word was spoken. With an expression of tender compassion Mr. Wells received her into his arms.

So beautiful a boy is not easily forgotten, and she would be glad to hear news of him. Wolf, however, seemed reluctant to talk of this child. True, he hastily remarked, he sometimes visited him at the request of his gracious mistress, but he had no more knowledge of his real origin than she or Dona Magdalena de Ulloa.

I shall always be very glad to see you, and I do feel that we ought to be friends, because I took such a liberty with you. But in this matter I cannot help you." When she said this he had to take his leave. It was impossible that he should further press his case upon her, though he would have been very glad to extract from her some kindly word.

Bunny, you believe in God I know. Why does He let things be trapped? It isn't fair. It isn't right. It it it hurts so." "Lots of things hurt," said Bunny. "Yes, but there's nothing so mean and so horrible as a trap. I I could kill the man who set it. I'm glad it wasn't you." Toby spoke passionately. "So am I," said Bunny. He crumpled the wire gin in his hand, and dragged it up from the ground.

I went nosin' round up the road. Saw Alloway goin' into Deger's. He's thick with the Degers. Reckon he's askin' questions. Anyway, I was sure glad to see him away from Bland's. An' he didn't see me. When I dropped into Benson's there wasn't nobody there but Jackrabbit an' some greasers he was startin' to work. Benson never had no use fer me.

Pleased to do his bidding, glad to be able to help him, Iseult rose and ran below. But in the confusion caused by the storm nowhere could she find aught wherewith to quench his thirst. Dame Bragwaine, half dead with terror of the storm, fatigue, and sickness, lay in a sort of stupor on her couch, and Iseult, ever kind and thoughtful for others, would not disturb her to help her in her search.

It is the light or the sound or the flower, I think, being beautiful because it is glad." "Yes," said the girl, "perhaps it is that. That is what Mrs. Graves thinks. Do you know, it seems to me strange that you have never been here before, though you are almost her only relation. She is the most wonderful person I have ever seen.

Blackberries shone thick upon the brambles, and above, even to the very tops of the hedge-row trees, climbed the hoary clematis. Glad in this leafy solitude, Bertha rambled slowly on.