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The shopkeepers are obliged by law to give them a certain sum, and on the occasion of a marriage or any other festivity, the giver sends a fee to the "king," on the understanding that he keeps his lieges from bothering the guests. They make a fearful noise with their two gongs.

"The mountaineers say that their fragrance casts a spell which carries the thought back to the giver." "Is that the language of science?" she queried absently, with a thought far away. "But no, senorita, assuredly not," said the young Caracufian. "It is the language permit that I say it better in French c'est le langage d'amour."

Hence we see how carefully Christ enjoined upon us to "Give to them that ask": and in no niggardly way either, but wholeheartedly, for "God loveth the cheerful giver." If we say that we apprehend God by that which is not Mind, what reason have we for saying that it is not Reason which receives Him?

A gift is nothing if there is no benevolence in the giver: For to the noble mind Rich gifts wax poor when givers prove unkind. We ask for the impulse as well as the deed.

Arousing as from a trance, the eager listeners instinctively commence to feel in their pockets for the balance from the day's bargaining; and as every blessing from the legion of saints who would fill the Mohammedan calendar if there were one is invoked on the cheerful giver, one by one throws down his hard-earned coppers one or two and as if realizing what he has parted with, turns away with a long-drawn breath to untether his beasts, and set off home.

The Sun, as the great giver of warmth and light, was the object of their adoration; to a lesser degree, they looked upon fire as a superhuman thing, worthy of worship. The four winds of heaven, bringing storm and rain from the unknown boundaries of the world, were regarded as spirits.

"No," said Harold, "I should not deny it, but would have a distinct understanding that it was not expected or desired, at the cost of hardship or self-denial to the giver, or his or her nearer and dearer ones." At that moment his mother stepped from the doorway into the veranda.

Yes, he knew it; and its glory was ineffable beyond the highest earthly good he had known. Happy the man under commission to bear such a treasure, though it be to the uttermost parts of the earth! And the great Giver longed to bestow it on the millions of His creatures, but waited the unwilling feet of His messengers! It was heart-breaking! But was there no other way?

Whatever seed is sown on that field produces an abundant crop of merit. A gift of food is visibly and immediately productive of the happiness of both the giver and the receiver. All other gifts produce fruits that are unseen. Food is the origin of all creatures. From food, comes happiness and delight. O Bharata, know that religion and wealth both flow from food.

"Bessie's can't be anything but trumpery." "Sometimes present trumpery is a step to something better. 'A was an Archer' is not very wise, but it is the road to reading and even if it were not so, Sam, it is not right to shame people into giving; for what is not bestowed for the true reasons, does no good to giver nor to receiver.