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No; some er de niggers foun' her ketched on a snag along heah in de ben', en dey hid her in a crick 'mongst de willows, en dey wuz so much jawin' 'bout which un 'um she b'long to de mos' dat I come to heah 'bout it pooty soon, so I ups en settles de trouble by tellin' 'um she don't b'long to none uv um, but to you en me; en I ast 'm if dey gwyne to grab a young white genlman's propaty, en git a hid'n for it?

"Tell me, Square, if you'll give me a warrant. Cause I ken go to Sempronus, I guess, and git one of Square Moss, if ye don't." "I tell you this, neighbor Bogle," replied Squire Fabens. "This is a very serious affair you have brought before me.

And with a bow of exaggerated politeness he retired to his place. "The drinks are on the house," he announced, jauntily strewing the glasses along the bar. "Won't drink, eh? All right. But lemme tell you, pardner," he added, wagging his head impressively, "you're goin' to git hurt some day."

"Hyar's the Prophet!" a voice shouted. "Now git ready fo' yo' eternal damnation. See 'im gather hisse'f!" Rasba gathering himself! Jock could not help but take a peep. It was Rasba, gaunt, tall, his head up close to the shanty-boat roof and his shoulders nearly a head higher than the collars of most of those men who stood by with insolence and doubtful good humour.

But the Sabbath passed, and he remained his old self. Hoping, longing for the change did not produce it. It was one of Mr. Growther's peculiarities to have a fire upon the hearth even when the evenings were so warm as not to require it. "Might as well kinder git ourselves used to heat," he would growl when Haldane remonstrated.

Tom, he clears-off to the station before daylight, to git help; an' by this time I'd come to the conclusion that the kid must be in the river, or out on the plains. I favoured the river a lot; but I bethought me o' where this dead-wood fence had bin burnt, to git it out o' our road, before the grass got dry.

"I'll shorely do it, if the chill don't git me fust," said the yellow Mississippian as he strolled away, and Dick knew that he would keep his word. The lad lingered at the spot where he had met the man, hoping that by some lucky chance Woodville might come, and fortune gave him his wish. A slender figure emerged from the dark, and a voice called softly: "Is that you, Mason?"

"Jim," I said, laying my hand on his shoulder, "do you love Ruby?" "Sit down here," he said, in a hopeless, despondent voice, "and mebbe I'll git grit enough to tell ye. I ain't never told none o' the folks that comes up here o' how things was, but I'm goin' to tell you. And I'm goin' to tell it to ye plumb from the beginnin'. too." And a sigh like the moan of one in pain escaped him.

"That week, as I say, was 'nough for me. The teacher she was a lady, mind y'! tries to tell me that it's the same blamed sun we see comin' up every mornin'. 'Look a-here, now, I says; 'don't we git a new moon onct in a while? Then, what's the matter with havin' a change of sun? Well, that plumb stumped her. She shut up."

I wouldn't shoot him 'nless he tried to run; but if he did that, when he got a little distance I'd pepper him about his legs. Make him give up his sword and pistol and don't let him ride; 'cause if you do, he'll git away. Make him walk the rascal!" The boys promised to carry out these kindly suggestions. They soon came in sight of the little house where Mills said the deserter was.