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They then take it out of the water and dry it in the sun, and it turns black. Calamus and ginger and many other kinds of spice are found in this land. The people of this country do not bury their dead, but embalm them by means of various spices, after which they place them on chairs and cover them with fine linen.

Ginger was like a child in 'is hands, although he struggled like a madman, and in five minutes 'e was laying there with a towel tied round his mouth and 'is arms and legs tied up with the cord off of Sam's chest. "I'm very sorry, Ginger," ses Bill, as 'e took a little over eight pounds out of Ginger's pocket. "I'll pay you back one o' these days, if I can.

Also, they sent Ginger Nut very frequently for that peculiar cake small, flat, round, and very spicy after which he had been named by them.

Hepzibah blundered to and fro about her small place of business, committing the most unheard-of errors: now stringing up twelve, and now seven, tallow-candles, instead of ten to the pound; selling ginger for Scotch snuff, pins for needles, and needles for pins; misreckoning her change, sometimes to the public detriment, and much oftener to her own; and thus she went on, doing her utmost to bring chaos back again, until, at the close of the day's labor, to her inexplicable astonishment, she found the money-drawer almost destitute of coin.

Hojeda found mastick, aloes, sandal, ginger, frankincense, and some trees resembling cinnamon in taste and smell, and abundance of cotton.

"'It was your kind-'artedness, ses Ginger, grinning like mad. 'You gave it to us, and we wouldn't dream of giving it to you back. "'Nothin' o' the kind, ses Sam, choking. "'Oh, yes you did, ses Ginger, 'and you didn't forget to tell people neither. You told everybody. Now it's our turn. "He opened the door and kicked the lodger out.

"By ginger, I just can't loaf around until we do get it working!" exclaimed Joe, springing to his feet. "Come on, fellows, let's get busy. We can take it easy after we have everything fixed up." "I'm with you," said Bob. "I feel the same way myself." Herb jumped up too, but the only sound from Jimmy was a raucous snore ending in a gurgle. "Poor old Jimmy!" said Bob.

"You must go, Ginger," he ses, "for my sake." "Your sake?" ses Ginger, staring. "I've got money on it," ses Sam, "so's Peter. If you don't turn up all bets'll be off." "Good job for you, too," ses Ginger. "If I did turn up you'd lose it, to a dead certainty." Old Sam coughed and looked at Peter, and Peter 'e coughed and looked at Sam.

You may put a little Ginger into it, onely to give it a taste thereof, and let it have a little walm of heat after it. Then if you please, you may boil up your grounds that are in the bottome of the vessel with three or four quarts of water; and when it is cold, strain it, to the rest, and put to it a little good light barm.

You'll be keeping Rattleton company." "Oh, I'm not sick at least, not seasick," averred Jack. "Then what ails you? I was going to prescribe ginger ale if it was the first stage of seasickness. Sometimes that will brace a person up and straighten out his stomach." "Oh, don't talk remedies to me.