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They was partners, them two, and it will be a quiet place when Gineral ain't here any more." Slowly he turned page after page of the big-printed Bible, with its illuminated text; but presently he closed it.

All orders were given under penalty of dismissal, and Flannery had so many rules and regulations under his red hair that each day he wondered whether he would still be the Westcote agent at the end of the next. As he read his forehead wrinkled. "'Gineral Order Number Sivin Hundred an' noineteen," he read slowly.

He comes of one of de bery fustest families in Old Virginny! He knows what's what, now, as well as I do de Gineral. Ye see, there's pints in all pies, Mas'r George; but tan't everybody knows what they is, or as orter be. But the Gineral, he knows; I knew by his 'marks he made. Yes, he knows what de pints is!"

"Oh, that's all right, sir," O'Connell answered freely. "Sure an' I'd like to see ye get through, though I ain't the Gineral. At least, not yet," he grinned. "There ye are, little girl," he went on, pushing the knapsack over towards Virgie with the muzzle of his carbine. "Jist help yerself an' give yer dad some, too."

The oxen a-drawing the carts with the money was foundered, and the Gineral had gived orders to throw the money away. I picked up some few pieces myself, thinking it might buy something for the boy, but there was one woman that loaded herself like a bee with dollars, and said she would be a lady when she got home.

Then there was gret wide rooms, and sofys, and curtains, and gret curtained bedsteads that looked sort o' like fortifications, and pictur's that was got in Italy and Rome and all them 'are heathen places. Ye see, the Gineral was a drefful worldly old critter, and was all for the pomps and the vanities. Lordy massy!

This tiger has a excentric way of tearin dogs to peaces, and I allers sposed from his gineral conduck that he'd hav no hesitashun in servin human beins in the same way if he could get at them. Excuse me if I was crooil, but I larfed boysterrusly when I see that tiger spring in among the people. "Go it, my sweet cuss!" I inardly exclaimed.

Doc, he took the place o' book-keeper, sort o' manager I claim to be that myself but to do anything needed. The's always somebody gettin' broke, legs, an' arms, and such. But as for gineral sickness, why there ain't never been none o' that to San Leon. No wonder that Dan Ford's a prosperous man! He lives his religion he ain't no preachin'-no-practice-sky-pilot, the Boss, he ain't. "Ma'am?

"An' Tecumseh," continued the narrator, "drawed a map of Detroit an' the 'Merican fort on a piece o' birch bark, as clever, I heered the Gineral say, as an officer of engineers." "But was na yon a gran' speech thae General made us when we were tauld tae attack thae fort?" exclaimed Sandy with martial enthusiasm.

'Tis the one the Parley-voos claimed in the old war, and they call it the Frinch Broad." "But that flows north and westward, if I remember aright," said I. "So it do, so it do in gineral. But hereabouts 'twill run all ways for Sunday, by spells." "If this be the French Broad we are not yet out of the Tuckasege country, as I take it."