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"Niver a wan have I seen, and I've only a gineral notion o' their whereabouts." "How then can you lead us?" "Obey orders, an' you'll see, sor. I'm in command to-night. If ye don't choose to foller, ye'll have to do the best ye can widout me." "Lead on, then," cried Gashford, half amused and half angered by the man's behaviour.

"'Ah! replied the Gineral, good-naturedly; 'Smooth, you're a sharp fellow, with gumption enough to see through a thing or two; but remember, if we contract for the licking, with some enterprising individual, we must pay by measurement. There's the democracy to please, the country to satisfy, Young America to provide with clean shirts!

I never liked the last war, I thought it unnateral, and that we hadnt ought to have taken hold of it at all, and so most of our New England folks thought; and I wasn't sorry to hear Gineral Dearborne was beat, seeing we had no call to go into Canada.

When Gineral Washington was here, I hearn 'em read de Declaration ob Independence and Bill o' Rights; an' I tole Cato den, says I, 'Ef dat ar' true, you an' I are as free as anybody. It stands to reason. Why, look at me, I a'n't a critter. I's neider huffs nor horns.

Thar's so many more on 'em layin' fur me all the time, thet the prospects keeps gittin' brighter every day thet by-an'-by they'll fetch me. the arrant I'm a-gwine on now is too important ter take any resks 'bout. I'm sartin to git the information thet Gineral Rosy wants, but whether I kin git hit back ter him is ruther dubersome. I must hev 'some help. Will ye jine in with me?"

"An' I tell ye," said Flannery, holding the package away from him with a firm hand, "that rules is rules, and gineral orders is worse than rules, an' thim spellin's can't go." Mr. Warold flushed. He put his hand opposite to Flannery's hand on the package and pushed with an equal firmness. "I offer this package for shipment," he said with a trace of anger beginning to show in his voice.

And he says to Jeff, that, if he played his part as a young fellow oughter know how, it would all come to him in the end; 'cause they hadn't heard nothing from Captain Oliver for three or four years, and folks about settled it that he must, be dead. "Wal, the Gineral he got a letter about an estate that had come to him in England; and he had to go over.

O'Callaghan, in a tremble of eagerness and apprehension, "who do you think was here the mornin'?" "Sure and I couldn't guess, mother dear. You'll have to be tellin' me." "And so I will," was the prompt reply. "'Twas Mrs. Gineral Brady, then. And she loikes your work that well, Pat, she wants you to go to her house to live." At first the boy looked bewildered.

His expression was one of extreme and fixed good humor, as if his face had been set, mask-like, during a grin. He removed the pipe from his lips. "Gineral, the flag I've been holdin' fer thot dom' young surveyor is the wrong color. I want a green flag." Baxter waved the Irishman to his errand, but General Lodge looked up from the maps and plans before him with a faint smile.

Didn't he slide out of bein' here three months ago? An' I wid a dinner fit fer the auld Bishop, and too good fer this " "Please, Ann." "Wasn't ye the Vicar Gineral once? Why should he hurt ye now? I could tell him things if I had me tongue on him " But Father Murray was on his feet, and Ann was afraid. She held her tongue. "Once and for all, Ann, I forbid you to say a word about my superiors.