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Wal, livin' on the next estate, was the very cousin of the Gineral's that he was to a married when they was both young: the lands joined so that the grounds run together. What came between them two nobody knows; but she never married, and there she was. There was high words between the Gineral and Madam Sullivan about his goin' over.

"Ay," replied Sandy, clearing his throat and speaking somewhat oracularly. "'Ee must know, Mrs Scholtz, that it's the result of organisation and gineralship. A serjeant or corporal can kick or drive a few men in ony direction that's wanted, but it takes a gineral to move an army.

The younger lad sobbed and howled when the order for his incarceration had been announced, but the elder made a stout remonstrance. He didn't know the Gineral would arrest him. Everybody else passed the bills. He thought they wos good bills; some man gave 'em to him. They wan't passed, nohow, upon nobody but Rebels! He could prove that! He "know'd" a quartermaster that passed 'em.

"This yere is a long way further west thin I keer 'bout bein'. Ol' Vermont is plenty good 'nough fer this chicken, an' many 's ther day I wish I was back ther. But I hed a cousin onct who tuk ter sojerin' 'long with Gineral Clarke, an' went 'cross them ther prairies ter git Vincennes frum the British. Lor'! it must a' bin more ner thirty year ago!

"It don't follow," said Rawlins carelessly, "that Hennicker even knows of this yer robbery. It's his gineral gait we refer to. Ef yer think it more polite, and it makes it more sociable to discuss this matter afore him, I'm agreed." "Hale means," said Clinch, "that it wouldn't be on the square to take and make use of any points we might pick up there agin the road agents." "Certainly," said Hale.

"An' ye a Vicar Gineral." "Never mind, Ann. I'll get on somehow. Is there anything else?" "McCarthy's sick ag'in." "Well, I'll take the Holy Oils and go down there this morning." Ann was now herself again, or she wouldn't have come back so hard on the chronically dying McCarthy. "Sure, ye n'adn't do that. Ye've wasted a whole gallon of Holy Oil anointin' that omadhan four times already."

"That's a wonderful sight," said Harry, as they paused on a summit to rest and catch breath. "It reminds me of some of the war scenes in Scott, or the Illiad." "Hit looks ter me like a gineral coon-hunt," said Fortner, "on'y over thar hit's the coons, an' not the hunters, that hev the torches. I wish I could put a bum-shell inter every fire." "You are merciless." "No more'n they are.

"Didn't I hear a Big Gineral, that I was acting as orderly for while in Martinsburg for they made orderlies of corporals thim days tell a richly-dressed old lady, 'That it was our policy to teach our misguided Southern brethren, by an imposing show of strength, how hopeless it would be to fight against the Government. The lady said, 'That would save much bloodshed, would become a Christian nation, and would return them as friends to their old way of thinking.

"Injustices, sor, which have kept me down to meejor when I ought to have been a gineral;" and as he talked Mrs Major worked with Mrs Strong, and watched her daughter, a pretty bright girl of twelve, who passed her time between her books and watching the three German students as she tried to recollect which was which.

And now I've something else to be talkin' of. Will you be havin' the goose for Gineral and Mrs. Brady to-morrow?" "I will, mother," answered Mike respectfully. "Then, Moike, when you get ready to go back, you'll foind the foinest wan of the lot all by himsilf in a box Pat brought from the store. Mr. Farnham give it to him, though he mostly sells 'em.