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He's been pesterin' an' irritatin' about the post-office for mighty like an hour, when all at once he crosses over to the Red Light an' squar's up to the bar. He don't invite none of us to licker jest himse'f; which onp'liteness is shore received invidious. "'Gimme a cocktail, says this Signal person to the barkeep.

"It next occurred to me that with a new soot of clothes and money in my pocket I'd orter travel and see a little of the world once more, so I gathers the boys and four members of the Dogtown band, and we went eight miles to the station in good shape. It made the people look to see us marchin' in. "'Gimme a ticket, says I to the station man. "'Where are you going to? says he.

Neale dropped back and, reloading his rifle, found a hole from which to shoot. He emptied his magazine before he realized it. But what with his trembling hands, the jerking of the train, and the swift motion of the Indians, he did not do any harm to the foe. Suddenly, with a jolt, the train halted. "Blocked ag'in, b'gorra," said Casey, calmly. "Me pipe's out. Sandy, gimme a motch."

Bixby handled the engine bells, and in due time the boat's nose came to the land, a torch glowed from the forecastle, a man skipped ashore, a darky's voice on the bank said, 'Gimme de k'yarpet-bag, Mars' Jones, and the next moment we were standing up the river again, all serene.

Thar's a young woman helpin' in the kitchen ez might do, though I'm not certain, and I ain't lettin' on anything as yet. You might take a look at her, Rosalie, I orter say Mrs. Byers ez is, and kinder size her up, and gimme the result.

I've had enough of this monkey business. Now gimme that gun, I tell ye, or I'll come back with more of 'em and take it!" He raised his voice to a roar, muffled to a beast-like hoarseness by his swollen jaws, and the ramada reverberated like a cavern as he bellowed out his challenge. Then the door was snatched violently open and Jefferson Creede stepped forth, looking black as hell itself.

In the immediate vicinity there was little chance of doing anything, for Service's bunch, and themselves, had trampled over the soft floor until all original traces of the murder were blotted out. Albright looked around and seemed to hesitate. "Me, alone?" he asked. "Gimme Dick Compos, there." "Done," said Kenset.

Three times the revolver mechanism was worked to accomplish her destruction. But there was no further report. The cylinder was empty. "Oh, God!" the woman moaned. "I fed you and offered to help you. I refused to shoot you because of your mother your wife your babies. And yet you " "Where's your cartridges?" he cried wildly. "You got more; gimme that belt!" She felt his touch upon her.

"No, no, not broke, and not busy! Not at all!" "I don't know," said Dunwody. "Suppose we make it one more jack-pot all around?" They agreed to this. It was Judge Clayton's deal. "Gimme at least three," began the senator from Belmont, puckering out his lips in discontent. "Three good ones," consented the judge. "How many for the rest of you?" Dunwody shook his head. "I'll stand as it is, please."

"How many, Wrink?" "Four," replied Wrinkles, plaintively. "Gimme three," said Pennoyer. "Gimme one," said Sanderson. "Gimme three," said Hawker. When he picked up his hand again Florinda's chair was tilted perilously. She saw another seven added to the little pair. Sanderson's draw had not assisted him. "Same to the dealer," said Grief. "What you got, Wrink?"