United States or Bouvet Island ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

He rode up now and unlimbered himself. Langdon pointed ahead. "Did you ever see anything to beat that?" he asked. "Fine country," agreed Bruce. "Mighty good place to camp, too, Jim. There ought to be caribou in this range, an' bear. We need some fresh meat. Gimme a match, will you?" It had come to be a habit with them to light both their pipes with one match when possible.

Com-pletely, ab-sho-lutely through. You bet I am. Gimme m' time. I'm a gone goose." "Quit, then, hang you," Benton growled. "You'll get your check in a minute. You're a fine excuse for a cook, all right get drunk right on the job. You don't need to show up here again, when you've had your jag out." "'S all right," Matt declared largely. "'S other jobs. You ain't the whole Pacific coast.

"Josh said he just set and wrung his hands together, and he says to Hiram Wells, he says, 'Gimme a month and I'll finish it. For the sake, he says, 'of the blessed dead. Gave you goose-flesh, Josh said." "You can see that he believes in his machine." "Oh, he's just as sure as he's alive!" "But why can't he finish it at the Farm? I guess Mis' Dean would give him a closet to keep it in." "Closet?

It would have been better if you had just let the old cat die, You oughtn't to tried that gag to get me here to-night. You'll get a lot more out of me if you do it dry, girl. A crying woman can drive me out of the house quicker 'n plague, and you ought to know it by now." She sat down suddenly, feeling queasy. "Now, now, old girl, buck up! Be a sport!" "Gimme a drink, Max. I Just a swallow.

A roof, sheer of slant, dipped down over the window, giving the facade the expression of a coolie under peaked hat. "Great Scott! Move that lamp off the sill! You want to gimme the blind staggers?" "I didn't know it was in your eyes, honey. There that better?" Silence. A parlor hastily improvised into a bedroom came out softly in the glow.

"Indeed, then," she said briskly, "you gimme enough to do to keep your heart up. You're worse nor a cradleful of childher!... Here, let me wrap this shawl about your shoulders! Aren't you the oul' footer to be lettin' it slip down like that?... There now!" He lay back in his chair while she folded the shawl about him, and smiled at her. "God content you, daughter!" he murmured.

"Gimme one of them dog-goned blankety bing-bing Ford auty-mo-biles," he commanded the garage owner who came to meet Casey amiably in his shirt sleeves. "Here's four horses I'll trade yuh, with what's left of the harness. And up at the third turn you'll find a good wheel off'n the stage."

"They're my clothes," muttered Ted doggedly. "Very well, then, I'll have Bill's," said the skipper. "But mind you, my lad, I'll make you pay for this afore I've done with you. Bill's the only honest man aboard this ship. Gimme your hand, Bill, old man." "I'm with them two," said Bill gruffly, as he turned away.

His breath rose in his throat. "I bet you look swell in red, Miss Sadie. But a girl like you looks swell in anything." "Red's my color. Dee Dee says my mamma was a gay one, too, when it came to color. Had to have a red bow pinned somewheres around all the months she was in bed and and up to the very night she died. Gimme red every time.

Whom else had she for a beau in this multitude of strangers? So she laughed encouragingly. "All right. You're elected. Gimme the address." Skip wrote it on one of the business cards of the bakery. He added: "Another thing: I know a good expressman will rustle your trunk over from Where you boardin' at now?" Kedzie flushed. She could hardly tell him that she had boarded in a park up-town somewhere.