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I'll be yelling votes for women next. Gimme her address. I'm going to send her a night message they'll have to use an adding machine to count the words in." "What can be done in a week?" asked Jim, with his first show of irritation. "I won't have her bothered, I tell you."

"You gimme her befo' I han' over my britches?" "You'll see!" Penrod ran into the stable, came back with the little saw, and placed it in Herman's hand. Herman could resist no longer, and two minutes later he stood in the necessary negligee within the shelter of the stable door, and watched, through the crack, the lowering of the surrendered garment into the cistern.

"There's such a pretty sash I been savin' to make up with that mull, Cora. A handsome black-moire length of ribbon off a beaded basque her father gimme our first Christmas married." "I'll lend her my pink pearls to wear. Honest, I never knew a girl could wear pink like Stella."

You're going to get it, though. Gimme that gun, Slim Dugan!" "I want a square deal," he complained. "I figure Phil has been crooking the dice on me." "Bah! Besides, I'll give you a square deal." She held out her hand for the weapon. "Got any doubts about me being square, Slim?" "Kate, leave this to me!" "Why, Slim, I wouldn't let you run loose now for a million.

Yo' mistiss 'll tell yo' dat," admonished Jess, as Shashai reached forward and plucked his cap from his head. "Yo' gimme dat cap, yo' hyer me!" But Shashai's teeth held it firmly as he tossed it playfully up and down, to Jess' secret delight in his pet's cleverness, though he outwardly affected strong disapproval, after the manner of his race.

"Can't say I do, Miss, but seems queer enough, she 'sists on callin' of me 'Peter' um gimme sich a feelin' when she spoke dat word," and Matthias looked as if his heart was turning back to his old home, and its never-to-be-forgotten scenes.

"Don't you come none of it wi' me!" roared Smith, in a voice of amazing gruffness, and shook an artificially dirtied fist under the Chinaman's nose. "Get inside and gimme an' my mate a couple o' pipes. Smokee pipe, you yellow scum savvy?" My friend bent forward and glared into the other's eyes with a vindictiveness that amazed me, unfamiliar as I was with this form of gentle persuasion.

"And who may you be?" severely asked fat Kate, who knew and loved this joke. "Me Serbian, lady-y-y," piteously moaned the actor through his nose. "Give me somethin', lady-y-y." "And what do they call your little monkey?" "Matreshka-a-a ... Him 'ungry-y-y, lady ... him want eat..." "And have you got a passport?" "We Serbia-a-an. Gimme something lady-y-y..."

"Here!" a voice warned him roughly. "It ain't goin' to do you no good " Another interrupted with an accent of deep disgust, in patent recognition of his borrowed plumage: "Damned if it ain't a patrolman!" "Why the hell didn't you say so?" demanded the first as P. Sybarite fell back, free. "Didn't have time. Here gimme a leg over this fence, will you?" "What the devil !"

Little wonder, therefore, that the driver of the taxi should gaze quizzically after Theydon's alert figure as it vanished in the stairway of Innesmore Mansions. "Got the hump, an' pretty bad," soliloquized the man. "Gimme a bob over the fare, an' all, so can't be stony. But Lord love a duck, you never can tell!"