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Amid a thick, bristling beard, a nose like an owl's beak and a mouth whose corners were drawn by a wild-beast-like rictus were just discernible. The eyes were half hidden by his thick, bushy, curly hair. Each curl ended in a spiral, pointed and twisted like a gimlet, and on peering at them closely it could be seen that each of these gimlets was a little viper. The man was smiling at the woman.

For a group of six men the following tools were deemed essential: five broad-hoes, five narrow-hoes, two broadaxes, five felling-axes, four handsaws, a whipsaw with equipment for filing, two hammers, three shovels, two spades, two augers, six chisels, two piercing tools, three gimlets, two hatchets, two frowes, two handbills, a grindstone, nails of all sorts and two pickaxes.

"Very well; I am through with you." And Mr. Bangs unfolded his newspaper and read it the rest of the way to the city. At the office door he was dismounting from the car with his silence still unbroken, when Quin asked nervously: "Shall I go on with my old job, sir?" Mr. Bangs wheeled upon him, his eyes like fiery gimlets. "No!" he thundered. "You needn't go on with anything!

He took on the half-conciliatory graciousness of one who has gained his advantage with unsuspected ease. "I'd give a great deal not to have had this happen, but, after all, a man is a man and life is life." She let her gaze bore into his like gimlets burning for center. "I think you've explained that before." He began to back out before her immobility. "I am remaining East two months.

I thought even before I met the royal party what would I give if Almina Hagadone could be sot down there with liberty to bring a lot of old newspapers, the Jonesville "Augurses" and "Gimlets" and take patterns.

The gentleman is young and strong ... has he been to the front? Was life irksome there? Did he ever long for the sweets of home life? Did he never envy those who have been medically rejected? The rich men's sons, perhaps, with clever fathers who know how to get what they want?" His little eyes bored into mine like gimlets. I began to understand. "And if I had?"

The Anthrax assumes a panoply of trepans, an assortment of gimlets and knives, harpoons and grapnels, in order to perforate its ceiling of cement; then the lugubrious black fly appears, all moist as yet with the humours of the laboratory of life, steadies itself upon its trembling legs, dries its wings, quits its suit of armour, and takes flight."

He was a short man, with a red face washed very clean, and very well shaven, except for a little piece of beard left fantastically at the base of his chin. His eyes were blue and bright, like gimlets. He may have had a soft heart, but it was certainly hidden beneath a hard exterior. He wore a thick coat of blue pilot-cloth, not because the July day was cold, but because it was his best coat.

From face to face and speaker to speaker his eyes would turn, boring like gimlets of incandescent ice, disconcerting and perturbing. "He is no spy," Vera confided to May Sethby. "He is a patriot mark me, the greatest patriot of us all. I know it, I feel it, here in my heart and head I feel it. But him I know not at all." "He has a bad temper," said May Sethby. "I know," said Vera, with a shudder.

One pack contained all that remained of the tea, currants, and raisins, which were saved from the fire, and two pairs of boots, the only ones the Brothers had; and the other was filled with oddments, such as files, gimlets, ragstone, steel, weighing machine, awls, tomahawks, American axes, shoeing tools, and a number of things "that they could not do without," but perhaps the most important loss was that of the spade, to which they had many times been indebted for water.