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Gilman instructed me part of the year in English literature. We read together, "As You Like It," Burke's "Speech on Conciliation with America," and Macaulay's "Life of Samuel Johnson." Mr.

Indeed, I am not sure now that I read all the signs correctly, especially as I was much distressed, and found it very hard to keep my wits about me.... Now there is one more fact, which I wish to state very plainly, in regard to what Mr. Gilman wrote to you. I never received any direct instruction in the Gilman School. Miss Sullivan always sat beside me, and told me what the teachers said.

"Oh, making her feel that, after all, it is Atherton family rather than Gilman health that counts little remarks that when our baby is born, they hope it will resemble Quincy rather than Eugenia, and all that sort of thing, only worse and more cutting, until the thing has begun to prey on her mind." "I see," remarked Kennedy thoughtfully.

Gilman turned off the electric light in the interior and shut the door. "Do not trouble about the luggage, I beg you," said Mr. Gilman, breathing, as usual, rather noticeably. "Bon soir, Leroux. Don't forget to meet the nine-thirty-five." This last to the white-clad chauffeur, who saluted sharply.

"Why, that is perfectly beautiful," he said. "Let's duplicate it in our home." "You bungler!" scoffed Eileen. "I think you're right," said Gilman reflectively, "exactly right. Of course I would have no business copying Linda's special fireplace where the same people would see it frequently; and if I had stopped to think a second, I might have known that you would prefer tiling to field stone."

But the ultimate reliance in all such reconstruction, as we will try to show in the next chapter, must be, not revolution, nor even legislation, but education. For brief reading: ELY, Socialism and Social Reform. SPARGO, Socialism. Revised edition. GILMAN, Socialism and the American Spirit. For more extended reading: HUNTER, Socialists at Work. KIRKUP, History of Socialism.

Never, except, perhaps, among the dervishes of Cairo, have I seen any religion more repulsive. On the evening of our arrival, Gilman and I went into the large skating-rink where a German band was blowing its best, and a large concourse of young men and women from the various pious families of the place were disporting themselves.

"Most people in St. John's think he is a remarkable preacher." "So were many of the Greek sophists," George Bridges observed. "Now if it were only dear old Doctor Gilman," Eleanor continued, "I could sink back into a comfortable indifference. But every Sunday this new man stirs me up, not by what he says, but by what he is.

Miss Gilman thought best to humor this, his first request, so he took his seat beside Prue who smiled sweetly upon him, and the small boy at once decided that school with Prue for a friend might be as attractive as staying at home under the watchful eyes of Grandma Babson. "It's only quarter of nine," Phoebe Small was saying, "and I rushed about like everything, thinking I should be late."

But not being, after all, a nice girl, she actually dwelt on the notion of marriage with somebody exactly like Mr. Gilman. She imagined how fine and comfortable and final it would be. She admitted that despite her riches and her independence she would be and could be simply naught until she possessed a man and could show him to the world as her own.