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"To-morrow you will take those history books that you did not open, especially Gilman's 'Rise and Fall, which it seems you have not even purchased, and you will travel for the entire summer with a private tutor...." Peter, who had personally conducted the foot-ball and base-ball teams over half of the Middle States and daily bullied and browbeat them, protested with indignation.

I was soon in my own tent and sound asleep, being thoroughly worn out with the exposure and fatigue of my long journey. In those days, Gilman's was an important place, and in earlier times had been a great trading point for the Sioux.

I'll get it for you at once but, on two conditions: that you don't tell anybody I got it, and that you tell me why you want it, and what you ever did to deserve it." Instead, Peter explained fully and so sympathetically that the diplomat demanded that he, too, should be enrolled as one of the Gilman Defense Committee. "Doctor Gilman's history," he said, "must be presented to the Sultan.

They'll only know what we tell them, and we'll tell them it's the highest honor ever bestowed by a reigning sovereign upon an American scholar. If you tell the people often enough that anything is the best they believe you. That's the way father sells his hams. You've been a press-agent. From now on you're going to be my press-agent I mean Doctor Gilman's press-agent.

Gilman's was read for the essay a eulogy upon Napoleon III. It was written con amore, and was really quite sentimental in its admiration, going back to his very boyhood, his love of his mother, and what not. I could not help touching the elbow of the gentleman sitting next me and saying, Are n't we a pretty set of fellows to be listening to such stuff as this? He showed that he thought as I did.

The miracle was produced by something in the gaze of Mr. Gilman as it rested on her, something wistful not more definable than that, something which she had noticed in Mr. Gilman's gaze on other occasions. It perfectly restored her.

Gilman's gentle face under the familiar and faded dove of the sounding-board, to the deliberation of his walk, and the hesitation of his manner, the first impression of the Reverend John Hodder was somewhat startling. They felt that there should be a leisurely element in religion.

And when Hodder got up to fetch this or that edition, he seemed to tower over the lawyer, who was a big man himself. Then they discussed business, Langmaid describing the parish, the people, the peculiar situation in St. John's caused by Dr. Gilman's death, while Hodder listened.

She couldn't have, or she would at least have made some effort to prevent Eileen from monopolizing you. She probably was mighty glad to be rid of you; but since you had been together so much, I thought she might miss you, so I tried to cover your defection." John Gilman's face flushed. He stood very still, while he seemed deeply thoughtful.

It is necessary, however, to examine somewhat the words "economic dependence" and "economic independence" which are employed with such naïve antithesis in this controversy. When we examine Mrs. Gilman's proposal for the salvation of woman, we find it to mean that in future mothers are to do double work.