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I promise to make her as pliable as a bit of whalebone for the rest of her days, if my uncle allows me to take Maxence Gilet's place; which, in my opinion, he ought never to have had in the first place. Am I not right? and yet here's my uncle bemoaning himself!" "Neighbor," said Monsieur Hochon, "you have taken the best means to get peace in your household.

"It is Max! it is Max!" cried voices outside; and then a deep silence reigned in the room and in the street, for Gilet's known character made every one expect a taunt. "May we all meet again at this time next year," said Max, bowing ironically to Philippe. "It's coming!" whispered Kouski to his neighbor. "The Paris police would never allow a banquet of this kind," said Potel to Philippe.

Fario came down to gloat over the sight of his enemy in the convulsions of death; for the muscles of a man of Maxence Gilet's vigor quiver horribly. Philippe was carried back to his uncle's house.

"I shall sleep in the room adjoining Gilet's apartment, if my uncle consents." "What will come of all this?" cried the terrified old man. "Mademoiselle Flore Brazier is coming, gentle as a paschal lamb," replied Monsieur Hochon. "God grant it!" exclaimed Rouget, wiping his eyes.

Fario came down to gloat over the sight of his enemy in the convulsions of death; for the muscles of a man of Maxence Gilet's vigor quiver horribly. Philippe was carried back to his uncle's house.

"I shall sleep in the room adjoining Gilet's apartment, if my uncle consents." "What will come of all this?" cried the terrified old man. "Mademoiselle Flore Brazier is coming, gentle as a paschal lamb," replied Monsieur Hochon. "God grant it!" exclaimed Rouget, wiping his eyes.

Delighted to attract Max's ridicule by behaving with the propriety of a Mignonnet, he went further, and endeavored to lull Gilet's suspicions by deceiving him as to his real character. He was bent on being taken for a fool by appearing generous and disinterested; all the while drawing a net around his adversary, and keeping his eye on his uncle's property.

Fouche advised Louis XVIII. to sleep in Napoleon's sheets instead of granting the charter; and Philippe would have liked to remain in Gilet's sheets; but he was reluctant to risk the good reputation he had made for himself in Berry. To take Max's place with the Rabouilleuse would be as odious on his part as on hers.

Delighted to attract Max's ridicule by behaving with the propriety of a Mignonnet, he went further, and endeavored to lull Gilet's suspicions by deceiving him as to his real character. He was bent on being taken for a fool by appearing generous and disinterested; all the while drawing a net around his adversary, and keeping his eye on his uncle's property.

Fouche advised Louis XVIII. to sleep in Napoleon's sheets instead of granting the charter; and Philippe would have liked to remain in Gilet's sheets; but he was reluctant to risk the good reputation he had made for himself in Berry. To take Max's place with the Rabouilleuse would be as odious on his part as on hers.