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Gila was still for a minute. She had no words to meet a situation like this. "Oh, well," she said, "I suppose he is better off, and the girl is, too. How could she take care of a child in the city alone, and do any work? Besides, children are an awful torment, and very likely he would have turned out bad. Boys usually do. What did you want me to do for her? Get her a position as a maid?"

For he knew that Tennelly was distressed over their alienation, and that he understood to some extent that it was on account of Gila that he always avoided accepting the many invitations which were continually pressed upon him to come down to the city and be with his friends once more.

Carmena rose from beside the embers of the fire with the pan and corn bread. "Fetch the canteens," she directed. "We'll eat over here under that overhanging rock." But at the edge of the shade, below the outjutting cliff ledge, she stopped short with her gaze fixed upon an object close to the sand-sculptured wall of rock. "Ever see a Gila monster?" she queried. "No. You don't mean to say really "

So Tennelly sat late before the fire, till Gila knew that he would turn aside again often to see her for himself, and then she let him go. Gila took herself off to a house-party the very next day, with only a tinted, perfumed note, like a flutter of painted wings, to explain that the butterfly had melted into the pleasant sunshine to taste honey in other flowers for a time.

I visited several of these ruins, but made no excavations in them, nor added any new data to our knowledge of this type of aboriginal buildings. The pottery picked up on the surface resembles that of the ruins of the Little Colorado and Gila.

All of them had come from the northward, seeking a better location than afforded along the Little Colorado River or in the mountain settlements. So there was determination to see what could be found in the way of farming land on the Gila, to the southward. It included W.R. Teeples, John Wm. Tanner, Ben Pierce and Hyrum Weech.

I did not stop to question the subtle fascination which I felt steal over me as we rolled along the smooth hard roads that followed the windings of the Gila River. I was back again in the army; I had cast my lot with a soldier, and where he was, was home to me. In Nantucket, no one thought much about the army. The uniform of the regulars was never seen there.

Reaching at length the Gila River, a stream flowing through deep and rugged valleys, he heard again of the negro, who was crossing the wilderness to the northeast, escorted like a prince by some three hundred natives.

"He is here in this room with us, Gila!" he said, simply, as if he had been telling her that he had brought her some flowers and he hoped she would like them. Then suddenly Gila gave a spring away from him to her feet, uttered a wild scream of terror, and burst into angry tears! Courtland sprang to his feet in dismay and instant contrition. He had made the horror of the fire too dramatic.

Its waters drain in opposite directions, part flowing south into the Yaqui river, and part running north through the Aravaipa Canon into the Gila and Colorado rivers, all to meet and mingle again in the Gulf of California. Fine gramma grass covers the entire valley and an underground river furnishes an inexhaustible supply of good water.