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And he felt for his cigar-case, really forgetting that it was gone, like all other incidents of his old self; while Jolland giggled with unrestrained delight at such charming effrontery. "If I did not know, sir," said the Doctor, now effectually roused, "that this was ill-timed buffoonery, and not an intentional insult, I should be seriously angry.

"Maybe I sha'n't have to wait long," giggled the other. When she reached the sidewalk, she stood balancing herself airily, swinging her arms, keeping up a continuous flutter of motion like a bird, to keep warm, for the wind blew cold down Broadway.

Eddie Elf laughed, Tilly and Timothy Toad chuckled, Gerty Gartersnake giggled, Wallie Woodpecker beat a tattoo on wood, Billie Bumblebee buzzed and Winnie Woodchuck sang a woodchuck song.

Because of that stupid old thing at the end there?" asked the boy. "Why does she come here at all who wants her? Why doesn't she keep her silly old mug at home?" "It's her fu-ur which is so funny," giggled the girl. "It's exactly like a fried whiting." "Ah, be off with you!" said the boy in an angry whisper. Then: "Tell me, ma petite chere " "No, not here," said the girl. "Not yet."

"Me big mob frightened fellow longa wild black fellow," Goggle-Eye said, rather overdoing the part; and the other old rascals giggled nervously, and said "My word!" But sly, watchful glances made me sure they were only probing to find if fear had kept the missus at the homestead.

Then, dropping her grown-up society manner, she suddenly giggled, turning to include Emily in the conversation. "Oh, girls, I had the worst time getting dressed this evening that I ever had in my life. When I unpacked my trunk yesterday, everything was so wrinkled that there was only one dress I could wear without having it pressed; this white one.

Very well!" shouted Ignat, and, striking the table with his fist, he addressed himself to the priest: "Eh, you! Sell me your daughter! How much will you take?" The priest shook his head and shrank back. "One thousand!" The company giggled, seeing that the priest was shrinking as though cold water was being poured on him. "Two!" roared Ignat, with flashing eyes. "What's the matter with you?

The hand across her mouth tightened. "Why, it's something like Creation," she giggled. "This having to decide which face to give to which animal!" As expeditiously as possible she made her selection. "Poor Miss Flora must be so tired of being so plain," she thought. "I'll give her the first choice of everything! Something really lovely! It can't help resting her!"

When people stared at her, and giggled after her, she made a point of saying loudly, to Ursula: 'Regarde, regarde ces gens-la! Ne sont-ils pas des hiboux incroyables? And with the words of French in her mouth, she would look over her shoulder at the giggling party. 'No, really, it's impossible! Ursula would reply distinctly. And so the two girls took it out of their universal enemy.

But what use is it to Frl. now; she can't possibly use it any more. We giggled all through lessons whenever we caught one another's eye and the staff was in a frightful rage. Only Frau Doktor M. said: "Now please get through with your laughing over this extremely unsavoury affair, and then have done with it." June 23rd. There was a frightful row to-day.