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This nonsense made the children giggle. "The needle will be lost the child no more enter undertaker house turned topsy-turvy father shows Woffington to the door off she goes with a face as long and dismal as some people's comedies no names crying fine chan-ey oranges." The children, all but Lucy, screeched with laughter. Lucy said gravely: "Mother, the lady is very funny."

Anne waited for Jerry to get up and take her into Wyck, to buy chocolates. Every time Jerrold laughed his mother laughed too, a throaty, girlish giggle. "I love Jerry's laugh," she said. "It's the nicest noise he makes." Then, suddenly, she stopped it. She stopped it with a word. "If you're going into Wyck, Jerry, you might tell Yearp " Yearp. He got up. His face was very red.

"Yes, I'll run into yoah room with it early in the mawning, just as soon as I lay eyes on it myself," promised Lloyd, solemnly. "She can't!" whispered Betty to Allison, with a giggle. "In the first place, it's something that can't be carried, and in the second place it will take a month for her to see all of it herself." Allison stopped short in the path, her face a picture of baffled curiosity.

Then opening it over her she thrust its handle under the pillow to hold it in place, and lay back under its sheltering canopy with a suppressed giggle. Again she looked up at Lloyd's picture, thinking, "I'd have been awfully mad if you hadn't been here to smile with me over it." The bulb began to sway, throwing shadows across the wall.

Skeptics have said that it would be impossible to lay a square egg. At exactly ten, by the shadow of the mountain on the atoll, William Henry Thomas stepped forth into the moonlight to face his ordeal alone. In the darkness we waited, Kippy clinging close to me. Then came a sound at which I could but shudder. It was a giggle, the voice plainly that of William Henry Thomas.

You are riding, I see I hope in this confusion your horses are taken good care of I always like to have my friend's horses looked after Egad! they will have all my care now, for you see they are like to leave me none of my own he! he! he! eh, Mr. Oldbuck?" This attempt at a jest was attended by a hysterical giggle, which poor Sir Arthur intended should sound as an indifferent laugh.

Nobody laughed. Mrs. Bolton did not in the least understand what part Mr. Pendennis was performing, and whether it was the check-taker or the Captain he was taking off. Fanny wore an alarmed face, and tried a timid giggle; old Mr. Bows looked as glum as when he fiddled in the orchestra, or played a difficult piece upon the old piano at the Back Kitchen.

He was within a step of overtaking them when he heard one say, with toss of flaunting ribbons, and hoidenish giggle: "Did you EVER see ANY-body wilt as Alspaugh did when old Bite-Your-Head-Off-In-a-Minute was jawing him? It was so awfully FUNNY that I just thought I SHOULD DIE."

And Agatha concluded with another stifled giggle. "Agatha!" was all that the indignant Amphillis could say in answer. She could hardly have told whether she felt more vexed or astonished. The bare idea of such a thing, evidently quite familiar to Agatha, was utterly new to her.

He gave the command, and gave the example, too, by going himself to the handles, but it seems that these men did actually hang back for a moment, looking at each other dubiously before they followed him. "He! he! he!" He broke out into a most unexpected, imbecile, pathetic, nervous little giggle. "Their hearts were broken so!