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Dave surveyed the obscure small-towners with a last tolerant smile and withdrew. "My!" said Gideon, which for him was strong speech. "Talks like an atheist," said Sharon. "Mustn't judge him harshly," warned Harvey D. So it came that Merle Dalton Whipple, born Cowan, was rather peremptorily summoned to meet these older Whipples at another conference.

He was aided in this when his master, Dudley Stone, a man of the faith, began a little Sunday class for the religiously inclined of the quarters, where the old familiar stories were told in simple language to the slaves and explained. At these meetings Gideon became a shining light. No one listened more eagerly to the teacher's words, or more readily answered his questions at review.

And he sent messengers throughout all Manasseh; who also was gathered after him: and he sent messengers unto Asher, and unto Zebulun, and unto Naphtali; and they came up to meet them. And Gideon said unto God, If thou wilt save Israel by mine hand, as thou hast said,

Did you even take the trouble to go to the polls and vote against me?" Though Stephen flushed scarlet, he held his ground bravely. It was true that he had not voted he hated the whole sordid business of politics but then, who had ever suspected for a minute that Gideon Vetch would be elected? His brief liking for the man had changed suddenly to exasperation.

He shut up the Bible and abandoned his carefully prepared discourse, in which was a mention of hellfire and many gloomy warnings, which would have brought joy to the heart of Gideon Strong, and to each of which he would slowly and approvingly have nodded his head.

A hoarse growl of rage burst from the throat of the Puritan. "Prophets of God!" he roared. "Surely we are the selected instruments of the Lord sent hither for the salvation of this worthy man; we are the soldiers of Gideon, the chosen of the Most High."

Let's go back yonder and find out why that negro sits there suckling his gun to sleep." "But if he suckles it to sleep there's no harm in it, Uncle Gideon." "Ah, clod-head, but it may have bad dreams and wake up with a cry. Let's go back there." "Are you in earnest?" "As earnest as a last will and testament." "Then let me tell you that I'll do nothing of the sort.

"When Herbert is cured, we can organize a general battle of the island, and have satisfaction of these convicts. That will be the object of our grand expedition at the same time " "As the search for our mysterious protector," added Gideon Spilett, finishing the engineer's sentence.

Gideon was afraid when he saw this; but the Lord said to him: "Peace be unto you, Gideon, do not fear, for I am with you." On the spot where the Lord appeared to Gideon, under an oak tree, near the village of Ophrah, in the tribe-land of Manasseh, Gideon built an altar and called it by a name which means: "The Lord is peace." This altar was standing long afterward in that place.

Everywhere you looked there they were swarming. Gideon spoke to his men. He said, "Gentlemen, Fellow-Israelites, there is the enemy. Take a good look at them." And his followers looked, and as they looked some of them began to get scared. They had not realized just what was involved. Their footwear seemed to grow too large. They were shaking in their boots.