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At last the moment came, and the Starter's "Go" was almost simultaneous with Bob's orders to his leader, whose usual dignified and leisurely movements were considerably hastened by the thunderous applause of the spectators. It was a "bully get-away," George and Dan agreed, and only hoped that theirs would be as satisfactory. Bill followed with equal ease, and equal approbation.

Kernan turned to Woods with a diabolic smile. "I've got him going. He believes me now. He didn't quite cover the transmitter with his hand when he told somebody to call up Central on another 'phone and get our number. I'll give him just one more dig, and then we'll make a 'get-away. "Hello! . . . Yes. I'm here yet.

Now that we've hunted him down, he's trying to make a quick get-away. Once out of the creek he can give us the slip. Fellows, we've got to get him!" Billy, who was at the wheel, began backing the launch toward the mouth of the creek. Not for an instant did the boys lose sight of their man, and the moment the boat reached open water it was sent ahead at full speed.

Banks turned and opened on him, and Wickwire ducked for the creek. Sinclair put a soft bullet through Banks's shoulder tore it pretty bad, Gordon and made his get-away before Wickwire and I could reach the barn again. I got Ed on his horse and back to Wickwire's, and we sent one of the boys to Oroville for a doctor.

He scanned again the face of each one of the hoboes, and especially that of Kansas Shorty, and after he had assured himself that all were soundly sleeping he carefully stepped over the bodies of those who lay between him and his liberty the door that led into the hallway but as he turned its knob, which being rusty from age and filth, creaked considerably, its grating noise awakened one of the road kids, who fathoming the reason of Jim's opening the door and darting into the hallway, let out a piercing shout, "that Kansas Shorty's kid was making his get-away". This warning shriek not only awakened every one of the sleepers but sobered Kansas Shorty so suddenly that he made a headlong dive through the open door, beyond which Jim was running down the hallway trying to make his escape.

Aaron Grafton." "Well, Spotty, I've got to hand it to you! Certainly you did put one over on me!" "Not intentional, Colonel. So help me not intentional!" "Well, maybe not, but I've got to hand it to you. If I didn't know that slip of mine in front of the truck was pure accident, I'd say you staged it just to make a good get-away." "I couldn't do that, Colonel." "I don't know, Spotty.

It seems he didn't have a cent, either, and we went into close caucus. He explained why an able burglar sometimes had to travel on freights by telling me that a servant girl had played him false in Little Rock, and he was making a quick get-away. "'It's part of my business, says Bill Bassett, 'to play up to the ruffles when I want to make a riffle as Raffles.

"So you think that after a while, when their enthusiasm dies down, we can give them the slip?" "Sure! It's our only chance." "Couldn't we make a get-away at night?" "It is what they are hoping for. They'd follow our tracks. No, sir! We do nothing. We notice nothing, we suspect nothing, and we have nothing to hide." "You want to remember that our location notice will be running out pretty soon."

Out on the beach there was nothing, nothing but the breaking sea and the flying gulls and lines of long legged gulls stalking or standing on the sands, the 'get-away get-away' of the kittiwakes came across the water and the barking of brent geese from beyond the rocks of the Lizard Point. The boat lay there on its side, everything was the same. She drew towards the caves. Nothing stirred there.

And I figure this here deal ain't even started to make trouble yet. Wait till the T-Bar-T outfit gits a-goin'; and mebby the Concho, and the Blue Range boys." "Hand over your canteen a minute," said Brevoort. "I lost mine in the get-away." Dawn found them inside the south line fence. In an hour they were at the 'dobe and clamoring for breakfast.