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After that he drew on his mantle, clambered up into the back part of the coach, stuck his pipe in his mouth and his pistol in his fist and never closed an eye till morning. And it must be admitted that Mr. Gerzson's mode of travelling on this occasion was decidedly eccentric. On reaching a village he would tell his coachman where to go next but he never told him more than one stage in advance.

And it was a good thing for the coachman that he happened to be standing on the other side of the horses, as otherwise he would certainly have had a taste of Squire Gerzson's riding whip. Henrietta, who had hitherto been sleeping quietly in the carriage, aroused by the loud voices, put her head out of the window and timidly inquired what was the matter.

On the contrary, my adventure with the baroness is somewhat tragical, and I'll trouble you to expend no more of your feeble witticisms on me." Kengyelesy shrugged his shoulders. "I did not know you would take it so seriously, but so it is." "From whom did you hear all this, from the baroness?" "No from Hátszegi." An idea suddenly flashed through Gerzson's brain.

Then Henrietta began to tell him of Fatia Negra's Transylvanian exploits, of the Lucsia Cavern, of the capture of the coiners and then she observed that Mr. Gerzson's eyelids were sinking lower and lower and he was nodding his head violently. "Now you really must light up, papa Gerzson," she cried, "or you'll never be able to keep awake." On being thus accosted, Mr.

After that Mr. Gerzson's head grew more muddled than ever. What had become of the lady? What had happened during the night? How was it that he remembered nothing about it, he who generally used to sleep so lightly that the humming of a midge was sufficient to awake him? Gradually he bethought him that the evening before he had drunk some wine with an unusual flavour.

Gerzson's one remaining wish, Fate very speedily granted it to him, for they had not gone another quarter of an hour when all four horses began to limp together, one with the right foot, another with the left, the third with the fore and the fourth with the hind leg, till it was positively frightful to look at them. Mr.

Gerzson's first feeling on reading this letter was one of relief evidently Henrietta was not angry with him or she would not have alluded to herself as his daughter! There must therefore have been some other reason for her turning back other than the squabble between them which Hátszegi had so industriously circulated. Well, he would settle accounts with Hátszegi presently.

Gerzson's arm. "Sir, sir! robbers are upon us. Awake, awake. This is no time for slumber." But Mr. Gerzson still slumbered on he might have been dead. In vain she tore him away from the table, he fell back again all of a heap and went on slumbering. The strangers were now in the hall, and a heavy hand was trying the latch of the guest chamber.