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"So I did, Sally. Forgive me! I was stupid besides unkind for saying so. But how shall we manage it? Won't the guards see us doing it?" "No fear, Geo'giana! De guards am fools t'ink dere's nobody like 'em. Dey forgit. All de asses in Algiers am like 'em. Dis de way ob it.

Removing one of the boards, she disclosed an opening. "Das a small hole, Geo'giana, but it's big enough to hold you, an' when you's inside you've on'y got to pull de board into its place, and fix it so." Setting down the candle, the woman stepped into the hole, and went through the performance that would devolve upon Hester in case of emergency.

Peter felt his position so strong at this point that he put the question almost triumphantly, and Hester was constrained to acknowledge that he had acted wisely after all. "But," continued she, with still a little of reproach in her tone, "what was the use of taking me to see my darling father at all, if this is all that is to come of it?" "You's a leetle obstropolous in you' fancies, Geo'giana.

Retiring to the coal-hole or some such dark receptacle Dinah held her friend in conversation for about a quarter of an hour, during which time several hearty Ethiopian chuckles were heard to burst forth. Then, returning to the cellar, Dinah introduced her friend to Hester as Missis Lilly, and Hester to Missis Lilly as Miss Geo'giana.

Dat was him, wasn't it, wid de broad shoulders an' de nice face a leetle wild-like, p'r'aps, but no wonder an' de grey beard?" "Yes; that was him my darling father!" "Well, ob course dey take him away an' bastinado him till he die, or strangle him, or frow him on de hooks; an' dey take you right away back to Osman, or wuss. I doo'd it for de best, Geo'giana." "Oh!

"What a good name Geo'giana am," he continued, bringing his eyes to bear on the slender little black creature before him; "an' what a good nigger you would make if on'y you had an elegant flat nose an' bootiful thick hips. Neber mind, you's better lookin' dan Sally, anyhow, an' no mortal could guess who you was, eben if he was told to look hard at you!"

Sally, dear, dear Sally, forgive me! But it was such an awful disappointment to be hurried away so, just as I saw him. I I am very wicked, Sally, will you forgive me?" said poor little Hester, bursting suddenly into tears, throwing her arms round her friend's neck and kissing her. "Forgib you, Geo'giana!

"Geo'giana," she said, "if you gibs way, or speaks, or trembles, or busts up in any way, I grips you by de neck, as I once did before, an' shobes you along wid scolds and whacks so you look out!" "Anxiety for my darling father will be a much more powerful restraint, Sally, than your threats," replied the poor girl.

It was more than a month after that before Peter the Great paid her another visit, and, to the poor girl's grief, he still came without news of her father. He had been all over the Kasba, he said, and many other places where the slaves worked, but he meant to persevere. The city was big, and it would take time, but "Geo'giana" was to cheer up, for he would neber gib in.

"Das right, Geo'giana," he said, in a soft voice; "cry away, it'll do you good. Nuffin like cryin' w'en you's fit to bust! An' w'en you's got it ober we'll talk all about it." "Oh, Peter!" cried Hester, drying her eyes somewhat impatiently; "how could you be so cruel? Why why could you not have waited just one minute to let me look at him?"