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I will now give some of the additional points which I have brought out since then; but I wish that you would first tell me whether this signature is genuine," I said, pointing to Alexander P. Drysdale's name on the note. "Oh, yes; there is no doubt of that," said Mr. McGregor; "I am perfectly familiar with his signature, and there is no question in my mind but that he signed that himself."

I do not know whether he handed over our speeches to the colonel in a more genuine state, than we were quite sure he did those of the colonel to us, from the quantity of alloy that we were able to detect. It is probable that at least he polished our compliments, and somewhat exaggerated our conditions. At any rate we were a very pleasant party, and seemed mutually satisfied with our conversation.

A second promise of genius is the choice of subjects very remote from the private interests and circumstances of the writer himself. At least I have found, that where the subject is taken immediately from the author's personal sensations and experiences, the excellence of a particular poem is but an equivocal mark, and often a fallacious pledge, of genuine poetic power.

Do you suppose I would exchange your companionship for that of a dozen 'cultured' people who could talk to me about 'sincere furniture'" this was in the last decade, remember "and Rauss's heads, as you can't, and who never showed me one spark of genuine feeling about the great things of life, as you can?" Will was overwhelmed.

He felt a little forlorn, too, as if the main currents of things had been sweeping them by while he stood carefully on the bank, trying not to get his feet wet. A very genuine emotion of pity for Marjorie had brought him up here, pity more mixed with something else than he had been willing to admit.

Anyhow, there was no divergence of opinion or sympathy between the two sexes in Ulster on the question of Union or Home Rule; and the women who everywhere attended the meetings in large numbers were no idle sightseers though they were certainly hero-worshippers of the Ulster leader but a genuine political force to be taken into account.

In the face of what she felt to be a really serious crisis between these two utterly different creatures of the other sex, her husband and her son, she had dropped her mask and become a genuine woman. Unconsciously both men felt this change, and in speaking, turned towards her. "I can't argue it," said Miltoun; "I consider myself bound in honour." "And then?" she asked.

Even Edith could not persuade her sister to join the party though Estelle was touched by their regret, evidently genuine. "If you only would, Star," begged Edith. "You would enjoy it. You don't know how funny and nice they are to go with." "I couldn't, little sister," said Estelle gently. "You go and tell me about it afterwards." Edith was not satisfied but all persuasion proved useless.

I might put up with it if I felt that it sprung from a genuine affection, but if I felt it was done from a sense of duty, it would be an intolerable addition to my troubles. Many people in grief and trouble only desire not to be interfered with, and to be left alone, and when they want sympathy they know how and where to ask for it.

"Well, it was as if the check had dropped from heaven. Thank God! Now I can begin to do things." I went over the main facts of my venture, this time with a touch of bluster. And he listened with far readier attention and more genuine interest than he had done on the previous occasion. We discussed my plans and my prospects.